SIYUMIM Around the Nation


Rabbi David Ozeri speaking at the siyum in Los Angeles.

Our community rabbis were asked to speak and give hizuk to thousands of people at various siyumim across the country.


On January 5, over 2,000 men and women from Los Angeles’s Jewish communities gathered to celebrate the Siyum HaShas. Agudath Israel of California, headed by new Executive Director Rabbi Yisroel Gelb and longtime Chairman Dr. Irving Lebovics, organized the event. Rabbi David Ozeri was the keynote speaker.


Rabbi Meyer Yedid addressing the crowd at the Siyum HaShas celebration in Chicago.

The Siyum HaShas in Chicago was a tremendous success, with an attendance of about 3,500 people. Rabbi Meyer Yedid inspired the crowd with divrei hizuk. Rav Shmuel Fuerst, Dayan for Agudath Israel of Illiniois, was mesayem Shas, using a Masechet Niddah printed in the DP camps that belonged to Mr. Nachi Shabat.


Rabbi Joey Haber at the podium at the Siyum HaShas in Montreal.

Over 1,600 men and women from Jewish communities across Montreal gathered in an unprecedented display of unity. Rav Yonatan Binyomin Weiss, Chief Rabbi of Montreal, delivered divrei beracha, and Rabbi Joey Haber electrified the audience with a most powerful message.