Whether or Not You Learn Daf Yomi… Amud Weekly is For You


Rabbi Raphael Netanel

The exhilaration of the 13th global Siyum HaShas, and the dramatic scene of 90,000 people dancing jubilantly in MetLife stadium – along with thousands more in Barclays Center and at numerous large gatherings throughout the world – has had a profound impact upon Jews everywhere. The joy and excitement surrounding the completion of the Talmud has inspired us all, and has driven us to commit ourselves to advance in our Torah study.

In an attempt to harness this newly reignited passion for Torah, Agudath Israel of America has launched a wonderful initiative under the title Ki Hem Hayenu (“For They are Our Lives”), whereby communities take upon themselves various learning programs. While the programs all differ from one another, they nevertheless will bind the Jewish People together in the joint, concentrated effort to grow in Torah learning.

The rabbis of our community conceived of a beautiful way to capitalize on the excitement generated by the recent Siyum for the sake of promoting Torah learning. Rabbi Meyer Yedid, in partnership with over 40 other rabbis from the community, have launched a program called Amud Weekly, which involves the study of one amud – one side of a page of Talmud – each week.

This program is tailormade for those who wish to study Talmud at a slower pace than the daily Daf Yomi system. Perhaps even more importantly, Amud Weekly seeks to bring together the entire community, from those opening a Gemara for the first time, to experienced and advanced students. Classes will be taught in virtually every community synagogue, on a variety of levels, ensuring that every community member will be able to find the framework that is right for him.

A special website – AmudWeekly.com – has been created to widen the reach of this exciting initiative. The website offers the following features:

  • Live broadcasts of Amud Weekly classes, and recordings of past classes;
  • Recordings explaining every Tosafot;
  • An up-to-date list of Amud Weekly classes in the community;
  • A precise calendar of the learning schedule;
  • A special hazarah (review) system to encourage review of the material;
  • A weekly, in-depth “be’iyun” class, delving into the intricate details and discussions of the commentators surrounding that week’s page;
  • A special print-out for Shabbat.
  • A ten-minute video breaking down that week’s page into six daily segments.

Amud Weekly offers the opportunity to not only expand and deepen one’s Torah knowledge, but also to bring together the entire community. Wherever one goes and meets other community members, they can immediately bond over the material they are both studying. The program is perfectly suited for fathers and sons, friends, neighbors, or even perfect strangers who happen to meet in a waiting room, in an airport, at a simcha, on a train, or anywhere else.

What makes Amud Weekly so special is that the pace of study makes it perfect for people of all backgrounds. For beginners, Amud Weekly offers a far slower, more manageable pace than Daf Yomi, allowing them to gradually and patiently hone their skills. For experienced students of Daf Yomi, Amud Weekly is the perfect way to supplement their Daf Yomi learning by devoting some extra time to mastering one amud each week.  And for advanced scholars, Amud Weekly is the perfect way to focus on, and delve into, a specific piece of Gemara every week, thus allowing them to combine breadth with depth.

The founders of Amud Weekly and its devoted team of teachers and volunteers invite all community members to come together through this exciting undertaking, through which they access the unparalleled merit of talmud Torah derabim – communal Torah study, which will, no doubt, elevate our entire community to greater heights of Torah knowledge and Torah devotion.

For more information about the Amud Weekly program, please visit amudweekly.com.