Back to School


I found the tips given in last month’s article about the upcoming school year (“Can Our Children Return to School Safely?”) to be extremely encouraging and helpful. I would like to add that it is also very important not to speak negatively about school and/or government policies in front of your children. I’m talking from experience. Although at times things might not seem to make much sense to you, it is important not to air your grievances and frustrations in the presence of your kids. These complaints can add to your child’s stress level, making them feel all the more anxious. Our attitude needs to be one of cooperation and we should have the basic idea that everyone, that means our government and schools, are doing the best that they can under the circumstances.

Moe A.



I am a concerned and anxious grandmother of seven grandchildren who are going to school this year. This article eased some of my concerns and calmed me down. Hopefully, it had the same effect on many parents and children as well.  Indeed, we all desire certainty – but when is life certain?! I thank you for the excellent back to school tips that make much sense to me.

Janet T.


Mashiah Revealed

The “Mashiah Revealed” series is a well-written column which inadvertently confirms the mystical uncertainty surrounding the appearance of the Mashiah. We only seem to know that we don’t know. Instead, authors on this subject resort to intelligent speculation about his entry into global society based upon cryptic and tautological statements of Chazal that require greater clarity. However, we should do our part by believing that that the redemption is coming and we  need to spiritually prepare ourselves. Our bad inclination is trying to distract us with politics. We need to put that aside and come together. Cry out for redemption and trust only in Hashem to help us. Let us pray that this is the year our speculation and uncertainty will end with the good news of his arrival.

Harold R.


Valuable Lesson

One lesson that this pandemic has taught us is that extravagant celebrations are simply not necessary. It boggles my mind that so many people go into debt and practically bankrupt themselves in order to pay for a single wedding. Weddings are supposed to be happy and joyous occasions. But how could they be under circumstances like this? Of course, weddings should be beautiful. But as has been proven over the last six months, a wedding does not need hundreds of guests in order to be beautiful. A wedding almost cannot help but to be beautiful, regardless of the length of the guest list or the simplicity of the venue. It is a time that is ripe for tefillah; the presence of the Shechinah is almost palpable.

Though none of us would have chosen a dangerous pandemic as the mode to learn this lesson, the lesson has been taught nevertheless. We do not need huge, expensive weddings. Extravagant flowers, bands, opulent halls – these are all window dressing. They do not matter to the main event, and their presence often is an impediment to the simcha of those making the wedding.

Sara B.

Election Day

A few things to keep in mind come Election Day. The community’s tax bill has risen since 2017.  We cannot afford another tax increase where personal deductions, property tax deductions, and state and local taxes are no longer deductible.  Worse, with a high standard deduction in most cases, the charitable deduction is useless. Then there is healthcare. We live in the richest nation on earth, yet healthcare is unaffordable. As New Yorkers we need a leader who will help New York.

Charles P.