Hot Summer Tips


Trying to sell your home, but going away for the summer? Here are some tips to ensure everything goes as smoothly as possible.

As you probably know, it gets hot in the summer. One of the worst feelings is walking into a stuffy, boiling hot house. As I’m sure you know, your house does not cool down on its own, it needs some help. So, in your absence, put your air conditioner on a timer. (This also deters burglars, because a running air conditioner makes them not sure if someone is home.) A good temperature makes it easier to positively portray your home. If you do not like the timer idea, have someone go in before showings to turn the A/C on. This brings us to our next tip. Have someone stop by periodically to clear the front of your property. Ask them to pick up the flyers and newspapers that are thrown on your step. Curb appeal is IMPORTANT! And once they are there, if someone else is not already taking in your mail, ask the person caring for the front of your property to take the mail in as well…because burglars are no fun, and a full mailbox is sign that you are not home.

I Hate to State the Obvious, But…

This goes without saying, but please make sure your home is clean before you leave. Do not leave dirty laundry in the hampers or have full garbage cans. Make the beds (or strip them). And do not leave food in the fridge that can spoil and leave a bad smell!

And the Best Tip of All?

Hire a real estate agent you trust. Someone you can rely on. It is going to make the whole process easier. Make sure your realtor is someone who can work with a client remotely. And once you have an agent, find out what documents and signatures they need when you are not around, so you will not have to travel back and forth if you find your lucky buyer. Probably the hardest tip of all is to relinquish control. Your team is on the frontlines, they see what your home needs and what needs to be done. Trust them and let go. (Obviously communicate but do not micromanage.)

Summer Home Trends

Now is the time to switch it up! Summer has officially come. What has changed?

Though minimalism was very in and still is, there is a pushback. Accessories are the new “thing.” Pull out your tchotchkes and old souvenirs and line your shelves. (Not recommended for people with little kids.) If your kids will grab and knock everything down, dedicate your top shelf for this trend. It is time to give your home a personality and a history.

Thinking of painting? Before you do, heads up, wallpaper is back in! There are tons of new designs hitting the market every day. Head towards smaller designs if the room your papering is small, so as not to overwhelm it. Commitment-phobe? No worries. The supply for peel and stick paper is huge and getting bigger by the day. And considerably cheaper. (Tip: buy more wallpaper than you actually need, because you will need more.) Another place to paper is the ceiling or just one wall if you want to keep your walls plain.

Calming colors are back, like sage green, taupe, and dusty blues. If you have to buy thinner linen for summer anyway, head towards these colors. Need new towels? Yup, these colors are the way to go. Classy and earthy. Get a throw blanket for the couch. Who can’t use some calmness in their life right now?

Overall, earthy and natural is in, with some eye-popping wallpapers. Have fun and most importantly, make your space YOU!