Community Highlights – Mastering Masechet Beitzah with Oraysa Amud V’Chazarah


In a few days, Lomdei Oraysa across the globe will be celebrating the completion of Masechet Sukkah with the Oraysa program. 

With its many practical sugyot relating to the mitzvot of the yom tov of Sukkot, the completion of Masechet Sukkah is truly a cause for celebration.

Immediately following learning Masechet Sukkah, Oraysa lomdim will begin the next Masechta – Masechet Beitzah.

Beitzah is especially exciting because the timing of this Masechta coincides beautifully with the calendar, as it deals with hilchot yom tov and begins right before Tishrei.

Participants describe the immense satisfaction that they receive from the innovative program that calls for the studying of one new amud a day, five days a week, reviewing the previous day’s amud, with Friday and Shabbat dedicated to reviewing the week’s limud. With this format, each amud of Gemara is learned and mastered. 

Oraysa Lomdim say that the program has changed their lives, raising the bar of their learning to new heights, with new chaburot and shiurim forming in more and more locations and cities around the world. 

On a local level, Oraysa has helped organize shiurim and chaburot across America, Canada, Israel, and Europe. Lomdei Oraysa know that wherever they find themselves, they are more than likely to find an Oraysa chaburah to join for the day. 

The start of Masechet Beitzah is a great time to get on board and benefit from all Oraysa has to offer. If you are looking to acquire a Masechta and gain daily satisfaction in your learning, Oraysa may just be the program you are looking for! 

To join Oraysa for Masechet Beitzah, for more information, to set up or join a shiur or chaburot in your neighbourhood, please contact Oraysa at 914.8.ORAYSA or email

Senator Simha Felder Demands, “STOP THE HATE ON CAMPUS!”

In response to the frightening surge in anti-Semitic incidents on college and university campuses across New York State, Senator Simcha Felder sent letters to Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer, Governor Kathy Hochul, and Mayor Eric Adams demanding the immediate implementation of independent monitors at all institutions receiving city, state, or federal funding.

Senator Felder wrote, “The complete antipathy toward rising anti-Semitic incidents and the abject failure of college administrators to provide safety on their campuses is deeply concerning. By having independent oversight, we can take concrete steps to safeguard Jewish students and, indeed, all students by preventing the dangerous influence of terrorist organizations like Hamas in our educational institutions.”

Senator Felder’s call for independent monitors represents a common-sense approach to protecting students across New York State by ensuring that colleges and universities remain safe, inclusive, and free from discrimination. Monitors provide a crucial layer of oversight and a clear way to implement rules and to enforce laws so that anti-Semitic behaviour is quickly and properly addressed.

Incidents of anti-Jewish harassment and violence have intensified following the Hamas October 7th attack in Israel. A federally designated terrorist organization, Hamas is notorious for its violence, incitement, and recruitment efforts, making it imperative for U.S. institutions to prevent any form of support or protection for its affiliates on American soil.

“Hamas just murdered six hostages including an American citizen, Hersh Polin-Goldberg. For nearly a year after blowing off his arm, they denied him medical treatment, starved, tortured, and finally executed him with bullets to the back of the head. Instead of protecting American students, instead of providing a plan to make sure no more Americans are murdered, we are allowing Hamas supporters to harass, intimidate, and threaten our students, incite violence against our citizens, recruit on our college campuses, and advocate for intifada terrorism on American soil. What on earth is going on?! These are not protected rights – this is illegal, it is dangerous, and it must be stopped immediately,” wrote Senator Felder.

Deal Day 2024 Brings Joy and Support to Chai Lifeline Children

Once again, our community rallied together in a show of unwavering support for the Chai Lifeline Sephardic Division as campers returned for another incredible Deal Day.
This year’s annual Deal Day event was nothing short of spectacular, featuring 450 dedicated volunteers, 122 campers, over 250 joyful guests, and the inspiring arrival of the Tour de Simcha – a group of women cyclists who rode into the event after raising crucial funds for Chai Lifeline. Their commitment and energy were a highlight of the day, symbolizing the powerful impact of community support.
Jack Tabbush, Director of Chai Lifeline’s Sephardic Division, emphasized the unique bond between Chai Lifeline and the community. “We are thrilled to partner with the community once again to bring simcha to children who need it most,” he said. “The Sephardic community has been a steadfast supporter of Chai Lifeline and Camp Simcha, and we are excited to continue building on that relationship to support even more children and families in need.”
This year, Deal Day was hosted at the home of Joyce Chehebar. The event kicked off with a variety of activity stations and carnival games spread across the beautiful beach, including everything from wax art to cotton candy, bounce houses, and so much more.
Rabbi Simcha Scholar, CEO of Chai Lifeline shares, “Deal Day provides an unforgettable experience for these children. The incredible support we receive from the Sephardic community enables us to continue providing critical care for children and families impacted by illness and crisis. We are deeply grateful for their ongoing friendship and partnership.”
Following a fully-catered dairy lunch and a lively concert, the children enjoyed water activities, more crafts, and a hibachi dinner. Before leaving, each child was treated to a major toy giveaway with gifts donated by the generous community, ensuring they took home a piece of the day’s magic.
For more information about the Sephardic Division or to learn how you can support this vital initiative, please visit or call 718-475-0002.

JetBlue Apologizes After Israel Is Labelled “Palestinian Territories” In Onboard Maps

On September 9th, JetBlue announced that it will change its onboard maps on all carriers to comply with U.S. guidelines for the Middle East, after facing public outrage over labelling Israel as “Palestinian Territories.”

In a public statement, JetBlue apologized for the mislabelling and assured that no one on the team was involved in drawing or labelling the map. The company explained that the map app was provided by a third-party company and that they were not previously aware of the issue.

JetBlue says it has decided to switch to a new map vendor and has asked the current vendor to adjust the onboard map to align with the U.S. government’s map guidance for the region. The changes will be made as quickly as the technology allows.

This incident is not the first time JetBlue has faced accusations of anti-Israel bias. Last April, a Jewish passenger was removed from a flight after complaining about a flight attendant wearing a “Free Palestine” pin on his uniform. JetBlue apologized at the time and announced a policy change.

SBH Offering Free Mental Health Guidance