Spring Home Maintenance Checklist


Spring is coming and we all know that we need to transition our home from the colder months to the warmer weather that springtime brings.

Spring is the ideal time to tackle some home maintenance jobs.  These will ensure your home runs more safely and smoothly in the months ahead. Preparation for the upcoming season involves more than just routine tasks.  You have to prepare for the change in weather.  Preparing will also enable you to address potential sources of damage and discomfort.

This year, spring will last for about six to eight weeks.  By taking these proactive steps, you can ensure your home is functional and beautiful all season long.

Update Your Pest Control Contract

Make sure that your home is regularly inspected for mice, termites, and other house-damaging invaders.

Inspect the HVAC – Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning

Having an HVAC tech do a bi-annual, or at least annual check-up and service of your system is highly recommended.  They should check ductwork for any damage and clean and service the furnace and A/C compressor. So many times, during home inspection the HVAC comes up with issues that require a credit (that must be given to the buyers) that could have been avoided with simple maintenance.

Clean the Gutters

Clean your gutters at least twice a year to prevent leaking or water getting into your home.  You may need to do this more frequently if you have more trees hanging over your roof. When not done regularly, the backup of leaves can cause a leak and can result in more significant damage that we see when doing inspections.

Touch-Up Your Exterior Paint

Your house may have some peeling, chipping, or flaking paint.  It would be better to re-paint your house now before summer’s heavy rains and high temperatures damage exposed surfaces.

Check the Deck

Spring is a great time to work on your deck.  Refinishing and replacing rotten boards would make your deck look really great this season. Take note of particular safety concerns. Many times, appraisers from the bank require the deck to be fixed during contract negotiations.


Brooklyn was once a city.  In what is known as “the great mistake of 1898,” Brooklyn merged with New York City.  Brooklyn’s land borders are exactly the same as those of Kings County, which means Brooklyn is, in a sense, its own county!