Nicole Malliotakis Wins New York’s 11th Congressional District

Democratic Rep. Max Rose concedes New York House race to Republican Nicole Malliotakis.

Republican Nicole Malliotakis, a New York assemblywoman and 2017 New York City mayoral candidate, beat incumbent Democratic Representative Max Rose for a seat in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Malliotakis will represent New York’s 11th Congressional District, a more conservative part of the city encompassing Staten Island and part of Southern Brooklyn.

Malliotakis thanked President Donald Trump for his support.

Attention Deal Patients: IV Infusions and Phlebotomy Services Now Available in Your Home! – Use IV Photo in folder – no caption needed

There’s a mom next door who, because of a medical condition, needs IV infusions regularly. But each time she needs medication, she travels to the hospital that administers it, waits until they admit her, then waits again for four long hours as the IV drips before traveling home. Besides for arranging for her children’s care, she needs someone to take her there and bring her home, because she’s often too weak after treatment to drive.

And as she sits there, waiting for her medication and staring at the wall, she thinks, “If only I could do this at home. I could be right there when my children get off the bus. I could sit comfortably next to them while they do their homework…instead of first arriving home at bedtime.”

Now she can! Through Lakewood Bikur Cholim, Deal patients who need phlebotomy (getting blood samples taken) and IV infusions can get this medical care right at home with a prescription from their doctor. A team of trained, licensed, medical professions, including ICU nurses, RNs, and paramedics are now standing by to help both the homebound, and those who simply can’t spend all day in the ER, to get this care immediately.

Volunteers are also wanted – training is available for licensed nurses who want to be able to help
administer these services.

The service is available 24 hours a day. For services, call the Lakewood Bikur Cholim hotline at 732-905-3020, and you’ll be transferred to the Deal dispatcher, who will send the appropriate medical professional. This service has already been life-changing for so many!

SBH Updates – include SBH Logo with title

SBH’s Career Division is looking to expand their current program and take on new professionals to help guide Career Division clients. They are looking for finance career specialists, female career coaches, and business professionals. Be the mentor you wish you had with the SBH CAREER COACH PROGRAM. Contact for more information or to sign up.

Family Plus One
Want to volunteer at SBH but barely have the time? SBH is offering a simple yet impactful way to help your community: cook one extra meal a week. It’s as easy as (spinach) pie. Contact for more information.