Visit Leads to Family Reunion and a Shidduch


Pnina Souid 

Every week Mitzvah Man volunteers head out on erev Shabbat to visit the homebound, many of whom are Holocaust survivors. Volunteers are told where to pick up flowers nearby to bring with them in honor of Shabbat. 

The Mitzvah Man received the following text from one of these volunteers. 

I must tell you this story that happened to me. Every week the Mitzvah Man texts the volunteers asking whether anyone is interested in visiting a homebound senior on erev Shabbat, to visit them with flowers. I answered the text and was given the name and address of the person to visit and the address of the place to pick up the flowers. 

I was surprised to see that the name was that of my Aunt Celia, whom I had not seen in seven years! Of course, I was so excited to see her and saw the Hand of Hashem, acting through the Mitzvah Man organization. 

However, there was more in store for me than I could have dreamed! 

I went that erev Shabbat, flowers in hand, to my aunt’s house. Was she ever surprised to see me! Sitting in the living room was another Mitzvah Man volunteer, a young man named Abe, who also came to visit my Aunt Celia. Abe and I started a conversation and discovered that we had much in common. 

Much to my Aunt Celia’s pleasure, I continued to visit her weekly. Abe and I also started to visit other homebound seniors together. 

We started dating. It has been two years since our first meeting at my Aunt Celia’s house and our wedding date is coming up very soon. 

The Mitzvah Man organization under Hashem’s Guidance orchestrated it all! 

The hesed I did as a Mitzvah Man volunteer led to my reunion with Aunt Celia and to meeting my future husband as well! 

Thank you, Mitzvah Man, for giving me the opportunity to do hesed and have a special merit!