How We Can Help Shape Our Future


Sari Setton

Executive Director

Sephardic Community Federation

While we are doing our best to stay healthy and compliant, there are things we can accomplish from the comfort of our homes to ensure future federal and state funding and representation decisions.  The United States Census is not only beneficial, it is an obligation that greatly benefits us.

The Census, taken once every ten years, asks us questions.  The answers to those questions help the government know, for example, how many people live in a certain area.  This determines funding for the entire next decade.  Based on population and other factors, $675 Billion is allocated for infrastructure (roads and bridges), health care (First Responders, Medicare and Medicaid, and hospitals), education (Special Education grants, security), funding against terrorism, and much more.  Especially in times of crisis it is important for government to know how many people live within a certain area so that needed resources are allocated properly.

In 2010, the US Census participation rate averaged 76 percent.  The Sephardic Community response rate was a mere 58 percent. Since 2010 we are undercounted, underfunded, and underrepresented. We are not receiving the funds we deserve.  Just like voter turnout numbers, politicians and others use this as an indicator of a community’s willingness to help themselves, to have a voice, to show they are a force to be listened to.  We hurt ourselves, our friends, neighbors, and community when we do not participate.  The good news is that we can act in correcting that now.

By now, most of us have been mailed 2020 Census forms.  Responding is straightforward and not burdensome. It is less than ten questions,  takes less than ten minutes to complete, and ensures ten years of funding.   There are a few easy ways to participate. You may fill in and mail the Census form sent to you, you may respond by phone (844) 330-2020, or you may do so online at  Regardless of how you respond, your information is kept confidential and can only be used to produce statistics. The Census Bureau will never ask you for your social security number, money, donations, anything for a political party, or bank or credit card numbers.

The SCF is always working for the Community. We know that you trust us to advocate for you, and to inform you.  We urge you to please accept this invitation to use this time to invest in our future.