Notes of Appreciation


I have been receiving Community Magazine for approximately two years and find it not only informative, but very uplifting. As a ba’al teshuva, I find that my thirst for Torah only grows the more I study. Your publication has helped me grow closer to Hashem and appreciate our amazing Sephardic heritage. The Siyum HaShas articles and pictures motivated me to begin the Daf Yomi program which I enjoy learning every day. Enclosed is a money order, as I would like to renew my subscription. May Hashem continue to bless you all with success and good health – especially during these trying times.


  1. Calderon

Just a quick note of gratitude for Community Magazine’s writers, editors, and entire support staff. Especially during these times of crisis, your magazine is hitting all the right notes: news, inspiration, community updates, divrei Torah, and humor.  The fact that you are able to publish and distribute such a fine family publication despite what is going on is greatly appreciated. I would like to especially thank Rabbi Eli Mansour – his article about the prophesized End of Days was truly remarkable.

With great appreciation,

Naomi C.


Two Yiddish words adopted into the English vernacular are schlemiel and schlimazel.  The standard definition is that the schlemiel spills the soup on the lap of the schlimazel.  A new definition, in light of the pandemic, is that the schlemiel fails to wear a mask or social distance himself, resulting in the illness of the schlimazel that crosses the path of the schlemiel.

There are some who think masks, social distancing, and hand washing are not for them.  They feel they are not going to get sick, they are young or they feel fine, and may or may not get sick.  These schlemiels, like the person who spills the soup on the innocent, fail to realize the people  they get sick are their grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, and in some cases – siblings.

It is time to stop schlemiels from walking around without masks, without social distancing.  If not, the schlemazel who suffers might be someone you love.

Charles P.

Ask Jido

I thought Jido’s response to the question on how to talk to a five year old about the coronavirus was addressed very skillfully. If you don’t mind, I would like to share an additional tip with your readers.

Unfortunately, there is a lot of scary, stressful, and anxiety-ridden information circulating in the media about COVID-19. Whether you child is five years of age or a teenager, exposing them to information like this can get overwhelming quickly and leave you confused on how to discuss the situation with your child.

This is why it is highly recommended to limit how much time your family spends watching or listening to the news. Kids (and adults) can get overwhelmed if they’re given too much traumatic information at once.  You don’t need to drastically change your family’s routine. If your children usually watch or listen to the news, you should consider limiting the time. Doing this will avoid inundating your children with unnecessary, nerve-wracking, and negative information.

David S.

Living With Purpose

Last issue’s article about living with purpose (Shavout, Burnout, and Living with Purpose) was such an important message to get out. Thank you so much for reminding us that “meaning” enriches our lives, and not the pursuit after elusive happiness. I also feel the media over-emphasizes happiness. Praying, participating, and sharing with people who also seek more depth in their lives is so much more inspiring. One of the first steps in achieving this is to disconnect from our cell phones and reconnect, without that barrier, with the people in our lives.

Marilyn T.