Mashiah Revealed


I’m usually not such a fan of “Coming of Mashiah” articles, as I’m a bit skeptical of predictions about the End of Days. But I did enjoy last month’s column (“Mashiah Revealed”) – perhaps because I’m feeling a little desperate right now. I’m actually looking forward to reading Part Two of the series, “Period Immediately Preceding Mashiah.” Hopefully, it will reveal when he will be arriving – we need him NOW!

Jake L.

It seems like the COVID-19 pandemic is taking us just one step closer to the coming of Mashiah. The Talmud states that the son of David (Mashiah) will not come … until slander proliferates (Sanhedrin 97a). Seems like this is happening pretty much on a daily basis. The number of family members and friends who are at odds with one another because of  differing political and/or moral views is quite frightening. I was taught that the messianic era will come about in either one or two ways. Either by our own will, by doing the mitzvot and following the rules of Torah, or it will come after much suffering, pain, and death. It will come either way. It is up to us!

Elliot W.

Healthy Empathy

I always enjoy reading the Positive Parenting column by Tammy Sassoon. Last month’s topic about healthy empathy is an important subject, especially during these unsettling times. We sometimes expect of our children to find a better way of reacting when they really just do not know how. My parents taught me that the best way to work on emotional regulation with your child is by demonstrating it yourself. Try your best to respond to stressful situations the same way you would like to see them respond. When you find your child coloring on the wall, how do you respond? When your hot coffee spills all over you when your children are watching, how do you respond? Our children learn to respond to life based on how we respond to life. This takes a lot of practice, but awareness is half the battle.

Mozelle  K.

Congratulations Graduates

Congratulations to all the 2020 graduates! It was especially nice to see the graduates of YDE in last month’s publication. I would like to send my best wishes to all the YDE graduates, especially Bobby Ades, David Ades, Eli Boujo, and Valedictorian David Savdie. May they all be a source of pride and inspiration to their families, friends, and fellow community members.  Also, mabruk to Rachel Levy and her entire graduating class from Bet Yaakov Orot Sarah Elementary.  I’m so proud of all of you!

Raquel B.

Mind Over Matter

I believe in the age-old thought of mind over matter, and that a strong-willed mind can win over the latter.

A cold, headache, or insomnia, I say, are nothing that couldn’t be easily driven away. Think about it, forget it, and go about your way. And you’ll soon see that you’ll feel up and okay.

This is a wonderful world, I say. And I plan to stay around for many a day. If my plans conflict with what’s written in The Book, whoever I tell just gives me strange looks.

Babying these things just leads to grief. And bed will barely bring you relief. Of course, this is all not an easy task. And, it of others, I cannot ask.

  1. Grazi


In last issue’s tribute to Rabbi Chaim Dahan, a’”h , (“Infectious Joy”), the article should have stated that the world was zoche to have him for 54 years, and not that he taught for 54 years. We apologize for the error.