Riddles – January 2021


Riddle: A Numbers Game


What number comes next in each of these four mathematical sequences?
A) 6 9 12 15 18 ____
B) 29 25 21 17 13 ____

C) 2 4 8 16 32 ____ D) 13 17 19 23 29 ____

Previous Month’s Riddle: Party Mystery

David was going to a party. As he approached, he could see through the window that it was completely packed with people. David went inside only to discover that there wasn’t a single person in there. How could this be?

Solution: Everyone was married!

Junior Riddle: What Am I?


Each letter in the cryptogram below has been replaced by the letter that comes immediately after it in the alphabet. For example, B has replaced A, C has replaced B, and so on throughout the entire alphabet. Can you figure out the message below?

Dpohsbuvmbujpot po efdpejoh uijt tfdsfu nfttbhf. Zpv bsf b nbtufs tpmwfs!

Previous Month’s Junior Riddle: What Am I?

What has a thumb but no fingers and is not living?

Solution: A mitten!

Send your solutions!

Solved by: Ikey Gadeh, Belle Gadeh, Sarah Cohen, Fortune Azrak, The Shayo Family, Mark F., Celia Kassin, and Big Mike.