Community Ingenuity


Last month’s cover story (Ingenuity in the Face of a Shutdown) about some of our community’s successful entrepreneurs was truly inspirational. The economic crisis due to the pandemic can feel challenging and terrifying, but the article showed how the current environment can be an ambitious time for young entrepreneurs to launch the startup of their dreams.

It was really fascinating to read about the success of our community’s young entrepreneurs. And what a great list of business innovators we have! I think my favorite quote was from Jessica Esses, who said, “I am so grateful to have been able to build a new business out of the rubble of 2020, and I truly believe that everything is from Hashem.” This is such an important message!

Hopefully, by sharing their stories they will encourage and motivate others to do the same.

Sharon D.

Yemen Rescue Mission

Last month’s feature story about the Yemen rescue mission was terrific (Sephardic Heritage Museum’s Yemen Rescue Mission). What a wonderful achievement for the Sephardic Heritage Museum. I was truly amazed when I read of their daring rescue mission. It is definitely worthy of a documentary. If to save one life is as if one has saved the whole world, how many worlds has this amazing organization saved? More publicity should be out there so others can know what happened.

Ralph W.


I just have one word to describe the efforts of the Sephardic Heritage Museum’s recuse mission – INCREDIBLE! After reading the article – I felt so proud to be part of this remarkable community.

However, I would like to clarify one common misconception about the remaining Jews in Yemen. Many people find fault and blame them for not leaving their country sooner. But, several factors need to be taken into account before anyone judges them. Perhaps they were trying to preserve a community that dates back over 3,000 years. Perhaps they don’t wish to leave behind their culture or the graves of their ancestors. Or perhaps there are elderly who need care and would not survive a move to Israel. Just a few points to think about…

Reuven B.

Mitzvah Man

One of my favorite columns in your publication are the stories from the Mitzvah Man. And last issue’s story was one of the best yet (“What Else Do You Need?”).

I very much agree with the idea of seeing beyond the surface and understanding a person’s plight. People do not usually like to accept help that is so much needed. But when it is in front of them, they have no choice, and cannot refuse – and they will accept it and appreciate it. I often do this. I know that if I ask my friends, they will reject the help, but the key is, “Emor me’at ve aseh harbeh – say little, but do much.” Just do it!!! We need more people to just help, and stop worrying about the semantics. This world would be a better place! Thank you for a meaningful article that hits home. And thank you Mitzvah Man for leading by example!

Karen P.

Symbolic Foods

Thank you very much for a well prepared and thoughtful summary of the seder (Symbolic Foods of Passover). I would like to share another lesson that we can learn from the foods of the seder. The matzah which we eat on Passover needs to be baked quickly. The spelling of “matzah” is similar to “mitzvah.” Just as we shouldn’t delay in the making of matzah, so too we shouldn’t procrastinate in performing a mitzvah. The lesson of matzah is to seize the moment. Delaying even one second can mean the difference between an opportunity gained or lost. Hag Sameach!

Daniel M.