Leaving No Stone Unturned


Last month’s cover story about the Morris I. Franco Cancer Center & Medical Referral was spot on. However, there are not enough words that describe the hesed all of the volunteers do.

I was diagnosed with cancer and unaware of the programs available at the cancer center. Fortunately, my daughter-in-law was, and immediately made an appointment for me.

As I entered the center I was a bit apprehensive, not knowing what to expect. Margie Matthews immediately put me at ease and I felt an immediate bond with her. I then conferred with their social worker. It was easy to communicate with her as I was able to relate my feelings… feelings that I could not reveal to my own family at that time. I met other wonderful volunteers who never failed to lift my spirits.

I am thankful to Hashem that He has allowed us to have the best community in the world, offering so many wonderful services. Morris I. Franco Cancer Center & Medical Referrals is our crown of hesed.

Lillian S.

Summer Getaways

Last month’s article about summer getaways (Novel Summer Adventure Getaways) was very nice, with fun and exciting suggestions for those able to travel. My family, however, does not have the opportunity to go away during the summer months. I’m not complaining – as I would not have it any other way. There is something very relaxing and bonding about spending summertime with our children, after ten months of shuttling them to school. I relax my mess-o’meter, stock the fridge with lots of summer fruit that we select at the local farmers market, and take the kids on local trips around the city and state. I highly recommend it!

Laura M.


Thank you for making more people aware of the rise in anti-Semitic attacks in our communities. I never thought I would see the day where there would be so many blatant anti-Semitic attacks and anti-Israel protests in the United States. It has gotten so bad, that I’m scared to walk home by myself on Friday night. Something needs to be done immediately.

What makes this even more disturbing is the fact that whenever there are attacks on other ethnic groups, everyone is up in arms. Every news program continuously covers the incident. Politicians, faith leaders, and ordinary citizens all have something to say, and all are outraged. However, when Jews are attacked it’s barely mentioned. We need to make sure that we show our outrage, and let the public know that we are sick and tired of being the scapegoats for all that’s wrong in the world. If we remain quiet, no one else will care.

Eddie T.

New Israeli Government

Even though I do not live in Israel, I always felt safe with Binyamin Netanyahu in charge. I’m very sorry to see him go. You knew he was not ever going to let Israel fall into the hands of its enemies or anything close to that. He will go down in history as among the best leaders Israel ever had.

The new coalition reflects nothing in particular. The new Prime Minister, Naftali Bennet, serves with a total of six seats. He could not be further removed ideologically from his fellows in the coalition. I’m sorry to say, but the current formulation is doomed. In no time, Israelis will be back at the polls. What is really interesting is whether after the next election a stable government can be formed.

Victor D.