Mabrouk – October 2023


Births – Baby Boy 

Rephael & Esther Sutton 

Eli & Sally Ashear 

Albert & Sari Saadia 


Bar Mitzvahs 

Steven, son of Charlie and Etty Cytryn 



Leon Sakkal to Rossy Tobal 

Morris Chera to Fortune Saideh 

Harry Falack to Lorraine Levy 

David Salem to Shelly Arazi 

Isaac Soffer to Adelle Ayash 

Jonathan Baum to Esther Chrem 



Jack Horowitz to Debra Missry 

Srulie Fischer to Rachel Antebi 

David Sardar to Sarah Anteby 

Joseph Terzi to Regina Saada 

Judah Marcus to Sarah Cohen-Saban 

David Saadia to Frieda Hara 

Joseph Mugrabi to Michelle Cohen 

David Ashear to Margo Zarif 

Ezra Sutton to Marcelle Shammah