Mi She’ Beirach – Pray for Our Soldiers


Israeli soldiers in the IDF are putting their lives on the line to fight against terrorism.  

Many people wonder how they can help Israel and Israeli soldiers. There are many ways – food packages, letters, fighting for Israel’s good name across the world, and more. Everyone connects to different things. Saying a prayer for soldiers in Israel is another way to help from near and far. Gd wants to hear us pray. We can ask Him to keep our soldiers safe either in our own words or in a set text. There is a special prayer known as the “Mi she’beirach” for the IDF soldiers. 

Mi she’beirach for the IDF soldiers in Hebrew  

Israeli soldiers in the IDF are putting their lives on the line to fight against terrorism.  

Many people wonder how they can help Israel and Israeli soldiers. There are many ways – food packages, letters, fighting for Israel’s good name across the world, and more. Everyone connects to different things. Saying a prayer for soldiers in Israel is another way to help from near and far. Gd wants to hear us pray. We can ask Him to keep our soldiers safe either in our own words or in a set text. There is a special prayer known as the “Mi she’beirach” for the IDF soldiers. 

Prayer for IDF Soldiers

He Who blessed our forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob — may He bless the fighters of the Israel Defense Forces, who stand guard over our land and the cities of our Gd, from the border of the Lebanon to the desert of Egypt, and from the Great Sea unto the approach of the Aravah, on the land, in the air, and on the sea.

May the Almighty cause the enemies who rise up against us to be struck down before them. May the Holy One, Blessed is He, preserve and rescue our fighters from every trouble and distress and from every plague and illness, and may He send blessing and success in their every endeavor.

May He lead our enemies under our soldiers’ sway and may He grant them salvation and crown them with victory. And may there be fulfilled for them the verse: For it is the Lord your Gd, Who goes with you to battle your enemies for you to save you; and let us say, Amen.

Soldiers on Active Duty from the Syrian Community 


Moshe Alouf Moshe Chaim ben Ilana 

Raymond Arking Rachamim ben Freida 

Yair Atik (Barkai Family) 

Elidan Haim Cohen Elidan Haim ben Evonne  

Oded Zion Cohen Oded Zion ben Evonne 

Elliot Dweck Eliyahu ben Rachel 

Gaby Dweck Gabriella bat Rachel 

Talya Dweck Talia bat Rachel 

Rafi Ehrlich Raphael ben Batya 

Moshe Esses Moshe Yedidya ben Naomi 

Joey Faur Yosef ben Ella 

Hadassah Faur (Spouse of Joey Faur) 

Asher Friedburg Asher ben Linda 

Yaakov Grunsfeld Yaakov ben Bahia 

Adam Henderson Adam ben Jaklyn 

Joshua Hidary Yehoshua ben Sarah 

Daniel Mestel Daniel ben Rhonda 

Ronnie Novick Aharon ben Rachel 

Max Shemtob Mordechai ben David 

Akiva Strauss Shelomo Akiva ben Chaya Sarah 

Shlomo Zalta Shlomo ben Claudia 

Jesse Zeit Yom Tob ben David 

Asher Asher ben Devorah 

Ben Benyamin ben Naomi 

Yekutiel Yekutiel Kalman ben Bluma Tsirka Michal