Donald Epstein Receives Community Leadership Award


Donald Epstein was awarded the annual Joseph M. Betesh Community Leadership Award on December 28th. The award, in memory of Joe Betesh, a’h, one of the founders of Congregation Magen David of West Deal, was presented by his son, Daniel Betesh.

Working Behind the Scenes

One of the things that makes this year’s recipient special is that he has not tried to grab the spotlight, but has often worked behind the scenes. “Since 1987, Donald has always worked in the background of the community and was involved with things that nobody knew that he was involved with,” Daniel Betesh commented. Donald, a partner in the large real estate firm Matrix Development Company, is often sought out for his expertise in business, construction, and real estate. He served as an advisor for many of the buildings that have gone up in the community. As Daniel Betesh put it, “Everyone goes to him.”

Donald was involved with the synagogue’s most recent project, a footbridge that connected Kramer Court to Brookside, which made Magen David of West Deal more accessible for those walking to the shul on Shabbat.

Donald’s community involvement is not limited to Magen David. He has been active in many community projects over the past four decades. The Chabad of the Jersey Shore went up with his help and Donald also supports the Rutgers Chabad House. Donald is very involved with the JCC, which has always been the hub of the community. Schools have operated out of the JCC (including Hillel Yeshiva in its earliest years) and the building has been crucial to many of the goings-on in Deal. Donald’s mother served as the JCC’s Executive Director, and he joined the board when he was only fifteen years old. Since then, Donald has become one of the mainstays of the JCC. He served at the JCC president for many years and participated on the national JCC board. On top of all that, he helped support the JCC financially.

He opened the JCC up to different institutions that needed a space. In the past, the JCC served as the location of Hillel Yeshiva’s hockey team (Donald himself coached the team for many years). Today, the gym is also used by Maor Yeshivah High School and Ilan High School for their sports teams.

A Little History

In the summer of 1976, Joe Betesh moved his family from Philadelphia to join the

community in Deal. In those days, the Syrian community lived almost exclusively in Brooklyn. Although Deal was a popular summer location, only a handful of families lived there year-round.

Joe Betesh bought the house on the corner of Deal Road and Whalepond, which was surrounded by sprawling forests. People thought he was crazy to move his family to join the Deal community and on top of that, he chose a house in such a remote area. But Joe Betesh was a visionary, and he envisioned the thriving community that Deal could become. He visualized in his mind the opening of a synagogue in the heart of this area. He wrote, “It was then that I had my vision – that someday those 100 homes [to be built in the area] would be occupied by community families, and the hundreds of houses surrounding it [would be] filled with community families.”

Joe bought his house from the Walter Reade family, who owned the entire forest on the west side of Deal Road. They also owned an old office building. They planned to sell the office building and build houses on the rest of the 6.29 acreage. At the closing for the Betesh’s home, the realtor told the sellers that she had a potential buyer for their office building. Joe’s wife Sonia nudged him and said, “That’s your synagogue!”

With the guidance and support of his wife Sonia, Joe went on to make a deal to buy the old office building and the surrounding 6.29 acres. He bought the property for a great price, promising the sellers that once they opened a synagogue, our community would flock to the area, as they did not drive on Shabbat and needed a synagogue building within walking distance. With Gd’s help Congregation Magen David of West Deal opened its doors in the summer of 1978. The land on which Joe Betsch envisioned 100 homes was, indeed, eventually filled by community members, and the West Deal area was born.

Joe Betesh, a Modest Team Player

Despite his many hours of hard work that went into founding Magen David of West Deal, Joe Betesh gave credit to Hashem for the birth of this area. “I feel that Hashem wrote my destiny when he moved me and my family from Philadelphia to Deal.” He was a man who showed his hakarat hatov to others, and credited two of his good friends, Charlie and Slatzy Cohen, a”h, as being instrumental in helping to start the synagogue.

West Deal prospered and grew. Joe Betsch and a team of community members led the Magen David of West Deal expansion and the construction of a new building. Community members including Charlie Saka, a”h, Elliot Dweck, Maurice Zalta, David Azar Cohen, and many others were dedicated to the synagogue and stayed connected to West Deal in the decades to come.

Once the synagogue was up and running, Joe went on to start many other institutions and programs including the Deal Sephardic Youth Center, (the predecessor of the DSN), programs for senior citizens, young adult programs, and many more.

The Joseph M. Betesh Community Leadership Award

Joe Betesh passed away in 2001. His wife, Sonia, wanted Joe’s legacy to be remembered and honored by the community. To that end, Elliot Dweck created the Joseph M. Betesh Community Leadership Award, to be presented annually to a community member who has shown exemplary leadership and service to the community.

Past recipients include Rabbi Elliot Braha, Brenda Saka, David and Al Azar, Sandy Esses, Maurice Zalta, Ralph Sasson, Morris Ashear, Elliot Dweck, and Emily Labaton.

Daniel Betesh explained what was required of award recipients. “It’s different every year but the common thread between recipients is a long period of service that positively impacted our community. These are people who made it their life mission to make our community better for us and for our future generations.”

Back to This Year’s Award Recipient

Donald was active from the beginning. He was on the synagogue’s committee and was involved with the original financing for Magen David of West Deal, participating in the presentations to local banks to get the financing needed. He was very involved in the original renovations. Staff from Donald’s offices helped to maintain the synagogue in its early years.

Donald also contributes to the quality of life in the community as the owner of two kosher restaurants 656 and Stingers. Both restaurants provide high quality kosher dining options in Deal.

Daniel Betesh noted that over the years, Donald Epstein has been influential in getting our community to where it is today. “He is someone who always cares, and someone who has always been involved. He has given decades of service to our community.”

All would agree that Donald Epstein’s Joseph M. Betesh Community Leadership award is well deserved. In his speech, Daniel Betesh concluded, “Donald Epstein exemplifies the qualities of conviction, loyalty, and intelligence. His life is a testament to the power of faith, hard work, and leading by example. Through his selfless service, Donald has touched countless lives and inspired all of us.”