An Inspirational Day at Bet Yaakov of the Jersey Shore High School


For its third consecutive year, Bet Yaakov of the Jersey Shore High School created an event to foster ahdut and create zehut at the Jersey Shore with their annual Amen party.

Women from all parts of the community gathered to recite berahot and answer amen. Every table of guests had platters of foods for each of the different berahot. Rabbi Edmond Nachum conducted the program and explained the importance and meaning of each berahah and the significance of answering amen.

During the event, the women heard words of hizuk from Mrs. Chany Shelby, who spoke about finding happiness in challenging times by looking for the hashgaha of Hashem in our life. She brought out her message by showing how the miracle of Purim is the perfect example of seeing Yad Hashem. The story of Purim took place over many years with a number of seemingly random happenings. However, at the end of the story, we can see how it was all woven together to give a complete picture of Hashem’s hashgaha in the world and how He has a master plan that all works out to be miraculous.

Three years ago, Mrs. Ronit Nachum and Mrs. Chaya Jacobowitz had a vision of seeing our community women gather together in unity for something truly meaningful, and every year since then they have brought that vision to fruition. They worked tirelessly with the senior class of BYJS and the class mothers, Mrs. Marjorie Kairey and Mrs. Raquel Kanefsky.

May the hundreds of powerful berahot and amenim of the young girls and women of our community be a zehut for us all.

Sponsorships Available for Ahi Ezer English Judaica Library

The Ahi Ezer English Judaica Library, which has been serving our community for over 28 years, is now offering sponsorships of up to $1,800. Book sponsorships are also available for $301. If you are interested in being a sponsor or for additional information, please call 718 872 7316 or email:

Rabbi Uziel Admoni Welcomes Captain Derby St. Fort of the 61st Precinct

Rabbi Admoni and Rabbi Bouskila with Commanding Officer Captain Derby St Fort.

Last month, Rabbi Uziel Admoni and Rabbi Gad Bouskila eagerly welcomed and congratulated the new commanding officer of the 61st precinct in Brooklyn – Captain Derby St. Fort. St. Fort, who appreciated the warm welcome, said, “I am honored to take on the role as the new Commanding Officer of the 61st Pct. I look forward to working together with the community as we enter 2021.”

New York to Allow Weddings for Up to 150 People

As of March 15, 2021, New York State will permit weddings of up to 150 people. However, the list of safety requirements for weddings is quite extensive. All attendees of weddings and catered events must show proof of a negative PCR test within 72 hours of the get together. Or, they have to show proof of a negative rapid test within six hours of the event.

Employees and staff at event venues must undergo testing every other week. Those who have received both doses of the vaccine at least two weeks before the event do not have to undergo these state testing requirements.

Upon arrival at the wedding, guests must wear a mask unless they are eating, drinking, or sitting at their assigned tables and must remain at least six feet from others who are not in their “immediate party, household, or family.” Moreover, tables have to be spaced at least six feet apart.

While cocktail hours are permitted, guests may not snack or drink with others who are not in their “immediate party, household, or family.”

Guests are only allowed to dance with people in their groups who are seated at their respective tables. They can only do so in a “dance zone” – which would be located a minimum of six feet from other such zones.

Under the dance zone requirements, each one has to be at least 36 square feet. Dancers in one zone are not allowed to go into other zones.