PROPEL: Lighting Your Career Path


Here’s a riddle: What do Hanukah and PROPEL have in common? Stumped? In a word: LOTS!

Hanukah represents the Jewish people’s tenacious refusal to give up on its values.  It represents working hard to change the situation.  It stresses education and an eye toward the future.  Confronted by the evil assimilationist decrees of the Syrian Greeks, the tiny band of Hasmoneans said, “This has to change.”  Despite the seemingly insurmountable odds, they persisted, and achieved the only period of true independence during the Second Bet Hamikdash. And women played a key role in the story.

At its core, PROPEL represents many of the same values. Its dedicated board members, supporters, and professional staff do not give up, helping each client dream and then make plans to actualize that dream.  Obstacles are encountered and jointly overcome. PROPEL staff members work to marshal resources within the community and beyond, providing encouragement and a cheering squad every step of the way, PROPEL has helped over 200 women this year alone.  PROPEL’s career coaches tailor plans to specific client needs,  and have facilitated change in these women’s – and their families’ – lives and incomes.  COVID-19 brought a new set of challenges. And PROPEL was there, researching and implementing the best ways to serve, without compromising on any aspect of their service delivery.

Can’t meet coaches face-to-face? Zoom and cell phones have made technology our best friends.  Want to start college? Classes are available on-line and by Zoom. Thanks to the internet (and the good old-fashioned phone), clients still receive that signature PROPEL personal touch. PROPEL continues to provide mentoring, coaching, and information to women entering the workforce.  PROPEL enables the women of our community to earn and help support their families while maintaining our values. PROPEL provides career advice to women of all ages, including young women in high school, college, and graduate programs. The organization encourages the women of our community to tap into their potential by utilizing education to transform a passion into a profession. Working with area colleges, the PROPEL team finds the “best fit” for each client, based on her goals, background, and personal circumstances.  Training and professional certification programs are also available to PROPEL clients. Financial support is available to help women reach their goals. PROPEL also promotes networking opportunities for community members. Clients can receive targeted advice and mentorship for specific careers and work to advance their earning potential.  PROPEL encourages women to be the heroes.

Want to create your own Hanukah miracle? Reach out to PROPEL.


If you are interested in a career, please reach out to PROPEL and we can help you fulfill your professional goal. Follow PROPEL on Instagram @PropelNetwork.

PROPEL 646-494-0822 |