Riddles – June 2021


Riddle: Chimney Dilemma

Submitted by Victor B.

What can go up a chimney down, but can’t go down a chimney up?

Last Month’s Riddle: Calendar Craze

What occurs once in January and again in February, but doesn’t occur again until the summer months of June, July, and August?

Solution: The letter ‘u’!

Solved by: The Blum Family, Hu Cohen, The Pillar Family, Rafi Shabtai, Joy Gadeh, Belle Gadeh, Zaki Dabas, Mopsie C., Fay Chesir, Richie Ayal, Isaac Dayan, David Maimon, Jake Shalom, Joseph Beyda, Harry Falack, Jacob Ayal, Ralph Sutton, Mayer C., Sammy Gabbay, Natalie Cohen, Joseph Cayre, and The Shmulster.

Junior Riddle: What Am I?

Submitted by Karen F.

It has keys, but no locks. It has space, but no room. You can enter, but can’t go inside. What is it?

Last Month’s Junior Riddle: Shorthand

What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?

Solution: The word ‘short’!

Solved by: The Blum Family, Abe Cohen, H. Soleimani, Rafi Shabtai, Zaki Dabas, M. Calopsie, Judah Levy, Fay Chesir, Richie Ayal, Isaac Dayan, Big Mike, David Maimon, Jake Shalom, Joseph Beyda, Harry Falack, Jacob Ayal, Ralph Sutton, Mayer C., Sammy Gabbay, Natalie Cohen, and Joseph Cayre.