57.5 F
New York
Tuesday, October 15, 2024


Are We Rebels??

Sephardic practice is to arise early each weekday morning throughout the month of Elul for the recitation of Selihot, beseeching Gd for forgiveness in...

The Case – To Catch a Thief

Vicky was pushing her child in a stroller while window shopping in Boro Park. She went into a lady’s apparel store, and upon entering...

The Case – A Ponzi Scheme

Rich, interested in expanding his wealth, regularly invested in small wholesale corporations that needed capital. His latest investment included buying fifty percent of Yoram’s...
Michael & Elaine Mehani on their baby boy Jacques
Leah Hazan & David Kassin on their wedding
Rabbi Ray & Sophia Massry on their baby boy Louie
Rabbi Moshe & Dina Zafrani on their baby girl
Joseph & Janice Mizrahi on their baby girl
Hymie & Sarah Debbah on their baby boy
Henry & Miriam Shalom on their baby boy
Jacqueline Choueka & Abe Gindi on their engagement

An Illinois woman called to ask how it was possible that her flight from...

A wealthy businessman sees a poor man fishing by the river every day. One...

Shmuel’s son Chaim lived overseas. As a gift Shmuel sent him a gift of...

Community Highlights – Mastering Masechet Beitzah with Oraysa Amud V’Chazarah

In a few days, Lomdei Oraysa across the globe will be celebrating the completion of Masechet Sukkah with the Oraysa program.  With its many practical...

The Rochelle Gemal A”H Educational Center

The Rochelle Gemal A”H Educational Center would like to share a few messages that they received from their tutors. “I've been working in collaboration with...


The Rochelle Gemal A”H Educational Center The Rochelle Gemal A”H Educational Center would like to share a few messages that they received from their tutors. “I've...

Ocean Township GOP Elects Magen David Yeshivah Graduate Isaac Shiram As Its Chairman

The Ocean Township GOP committee unanimously elected Isaac Shiram, 25, to serve as Chairman at its recent re-organization meeting. Shiram recently served as District Director...

Community Highlights – The Edmund J. Safra Synagogue Hosts Rabbi Avraham Goldhar of Zichru

Last month, Rabbi Eli Mansour and the Edmund J. Safra Synagogue in Flatbush hosted Rabbi Avraham Goldhar of Zichru for an informational session on...

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Once Upon A Thyme

Adina Yaakov Spiced Honeycrisp apples sit in a homemade pie crust, resulting in a mouthwatering dessert which represents motherly love and simplicity. In the early...




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