Words of Rabbi Eli J. Mansour


After reading last month’s cover story (How To Get Your Prayers Answered), I just had to write in thanking Rabbi Eli Mansour for his inspirational words, so appropriate before the High Holidays. Despite the fact that our prayers and actions on Rosh Hashanah impact the entire year, I sometimes find it hard to remember that, so reading Rabbi Mansour’s divrei Torah and incredible insights of prayer was extremely helpful. Thank you for your excellent advice. Shana tova!

Chana B.


I want to thank you for publishing such a beautiful tribute to our father, Rabbi Lankry, zt”l. It was so special to read. My father really loved everyone in this community as if they were his own family. He took so much pride in seeing the growth of the children and then grandchildren of the friends he once knew. He loved everyone simply for who they were – and that message came through so well in the article. May you always be able to write powerful articles and highlight the beauty of this community.

If anyone has any stories or pictures they want to share we would love to see them! Please email us at rabbilankrymemories@gmail.com.

Thank you,

Adina Mezrahi and the entire Lankry Family


I enjoyed ready last month’s article about returning to school (Back to School – Can We Move Forward?). I would like to add one very important point that was not mentioned in the column. And that is in regards to the unnecessary stress and anxiety our kids experience during the school year. I believe one way of reducing the pressure off our children is to change the way they are evaluated. Test grades are overrated. Test scores are important, but they aren’t everything. In my opinion, more emphasis should definitely be put on a child’s effort. It is the child’s decision if he or she wants to put an effort into his or her studies. The problem is that not only the parents, but the education system and the schools emphasize grades more than effort. If the child puts an effort into studying for a test, writing a research paper, or doing a certain project and is unsuccessful and receives a low grade, it could affect his or her acceptance into a good yeshiva, seminary, or college.

Behavior and effort must be included in the child’s or teen’s grades as well as scholastic achievement.

Everything must be done in order to help the child or teen achieve good grades by including an evaluation of behavior and effort, as well as just grades. From my experience in teaching and working with children, these endeavors provide a very rewarding experience and I believe that working with and teaching children and teens should be thought of from the very beginning as a rewarding experience, NOT as a burden. Putting an emphasis on effort will only help the child academically.

Sharon T.


As parents of a special needs child, we were so moved by the article about Camp Simcha (Deal Welcomes Camp Simcha Without Borders). We send our child to camp and don’t take for granted what the wonderful counselors do for him. It’s not an easy task (although it is quite rewarding). Thank you so much to all the wonderful people at Chai Lifeline and Camp Simcha. And a special thanks to this past summer’s gracious hosts – Ricky & Jamie Cohen and Jeff & Rachel Sutton.
