Letters – February 2022


Winter Break  

I really enjoy Frieda Schweky’s monthly column because it deals head on with the pressing issues of the community. I couldn’t agree more with her opinion in regards to last month’s topic on winter vacations (Winter Break 2022). I get deeply disturbed when my children are given assignments from their teachers to write about their vacations. Don’t get me wrong, I think the idea of going on a family vacation is great. If done properly, it certainly helps families bond and draw close. But the point should be for the family to relax and enjoy the experience, not to brag to others. Maybe I am naive in the era of social media (which I refuse to use), but my family always stressed that it’s not appropriate to tell others about treats, gifts, vacations, etc., nor is it right to ask them about such things. 

Jamie  T. 


Although vacations might be a bit costly these days, I believe that it is important to get away. A vacation any time of the year is worthwhile, but getting away during the dreary weather months is especially good for the body, mind, and soul.  and the mind. Plus, you come home knowing that spring is coming and the winter will soon be a distant memory.  

Maureen G. 


Covid Concerns 

I would like to offer some advice to the husband of the “Concerned” woman who wrote to Jido for advice about her husband’s negative state of mind due to the pandemic. 

It’s quite natural to feel down due to no work and the current scenario, but things will normalize with time. All we need is patience and positivity in our life. There are ups and downs in life. This should be considered as one of the inevitable downs. 

Another fact is this that covid has created havoc in everybody’s life, so it’s not just one or a few persons affected. The entire world is fighting against it. 

Situations will change and things will improve; life doesn’t end here. Engage yourself in activities that will relax you and give you joy, such as gardening. Search for some other work. This is a testing period. We need to be patient and focus on the positive things in life.  


Be well. 


Martin D. 


In regards to the coronavirus, I think it is essential that people in a situation that are greatly being negatively affected by the drawbacks of social distancing make a risk vs. benefit calculation. Perhaps you are hurting yourself more by distancing than the potential effects of possibly contracting covid. This isn’t 2020. There are now treatments available, and we all have the option of being vaccinated with boosters. In my opinion, it’s essential that people make the best decision, including taking into account the mental health drawbacks of social distancing, when deciding how to deal with the situation. 

Avi C. 


Real Estate Tips 

Thanks for last month’s tips on selling you home (Smells and Real Estate). I would like to suggest another good tip when selling your home – hiring a professional photographer. 

The first thing potential buyers see in a listing is the property pictures. Crisp images with great lighting can mean the difference between a buyer putting your property on their shortlist or moving on to the next listing. 


Unfortunately, many sellers skimp on this, which is a huge mistake. Hiring a professional to take your photos shouldn’t be expensive and is worth every penny.  



Michelle L.