From the Files of the Mitzvah Man – Mitzvah Man’s Five Day Miracle Week


Mitzvah Man is used to feeling Hashem’s miracles, as the unexpected happens frequently as he and his team do their hesed work. Not long ago, he experienced what he called “The Five-Day Miracle Week.” Every single day, from Monday through Friday, was blessed with incredible incidents filled with siyatta d’shmaya. Let’s follow along! 


“We got a call from someone whose father is a renowned rabbi,” the Mitzvah Man recalled.  

The son said, “I need an oven for the rabbi but don’t want to deplete money from your organization. A used oven would be fine.” 

Although from time to time the organization gets donations of appliances, no ovens had been donated for quite a while. The Mitzvah Man scratched his head. 

“I also need a recliner for the rabbi. We’ll take a used one.” 

However, no recliners had been donated in a long time, either. 

Mitzvah Man replied, “We will keep it in mind.”  

That very day Mitzvah Man received a call. 

“Does anyone need an oven? I am getting a new one. My old one is in good condition, and I would like to donate it.” 

“Terrific!” Mitzvah Man exclaimed, “We got a call for an oven today.” 

The Mitzvah Man hotline volunteers were all amazed. But there was more to come.


The caller requested a hospital bed with a new mattress. Mitzvah Man told him that they do not receive donations of hospital beds very often, but he will put it on his list. 

That same day a call came in from someone with a hospital bed to donate. 

Amazing, such hashgacha pratit! 


A woman called in distress. Her laptop was broken – totally unusable. She makes her parnassa (livelihood) with the computer and must have a working laptop. 

Not long after she hung up with the Mitzvah Man volunteer, he received a text. “Does anyone need a laptop? I have a brand-new laptop to donate that is in its original package.” 

What were the chances?! 


The caller told the Mitzvah Man volunteer, “My mother needs a chairlift. It has become too difficult for her to go up and down the stairs in the house. Do you have one for her? It must be left side banister, five feet.” 

Certainly, chairlifts are not an everyday item that people call to donate, but on that Thursday, the Mitzvah Man Organization received a call from a person who wanted to know if anyone needed a chairlift that is left side banister, five feet. 

Wow! We are certainly dear in the eyes of Hashem, thought the Mitzvah Man volunteer. 


On Friday afternoon, shortly before the start of Shabbat, the Mitzvah Man received a text message, “I have a leather chair to donate.”  Mitzvah Man texted back, “A recliner?” The answer was.  “YES.” 

The Mitzvah Man felt extra gratitude as he got ready for Shabbat that week. There were five difficult requests in five days and all of them were fulfilled by Hashem.