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Will Coronavirus Be the Deciding Vote in Israel?

Machla Abramovitz

The 120 newly elected members of the Israeli Knesset had just been sworn into the 23rd Knesset when MK Oded Forer of Avigdor Lieberman’s Yisrael Beiteinu Party introduced the first of four extraordinary bills to deny Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu the right to continue serving as prime minister. The bill grants the Knesset the authority to oust an indicted prime minister heading a transitional government by secret ballot. Not to be outdone, Blue and White MKs quickly presented three additional bills.  One bill limits prime ministers to two terms in office.  Another prohibits those facing criminal charges from serving as prime minister.  A third denies the president the right to offer an indicted Knesset member the mandate to form a government.

Scheme to Replace Likud’s Speaker

With the Blue and White bloc’s 61 Knesset members, as opposed to Likud’s 58,  Blue and White has the requisite numbers needed to establish and take control of the Arrangements Committee, which governs parliamentary activities and the formation of a new government, including the appointment of a Speaker of the Knesset.  Blue and White’s plan is to replace Likud MK Yuli Edelstein as Speaker with one from their party, and to pass legislation to oust Netanyahu. If the bills pass, Netanyahu would be demoted to MK and he would be forced to resign.

As of the writing of this article on March 21, Edelstein refused to comply with such a vote, placing the Knesset in lockout until Monday, March 23rd in order to allow time for legislators to form a unity government to counter the coronavirus pandemic. At the moment, Likud and Blue and White are at loggerheads:  Edelstein accuses a splinter group within the Blue and White of preventing the establishment of a unity government, while Blue and White leader Benny Gantz accused Likud of misleading the public under the guise of the coronavirus, and tweeted that he had never agreed to such a government. The latest direct poll indicates that if an election were held today, Likud would win 40 seats and Blue and White 30 seats, leaving Gantz to proclaim that he may have no choice but to sit in a national unity government with the Prime Minister.

To sweeten the offer, on March 21, the Prime Minister called for a three-year emergency unity government to get the country through the coronavirus crisis.  He offered to step down as prime minister after the first year and a half after which Benny Gantz would take over for the concluding period. Netanyahu added that if Blue and White continues to try to replace Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein in the coming week, the unity government offer will be taken off the negotiating table.

To Form a Coalition Government

Yisrael Beytenu’s Avigdor Lieberman (C) meets with Blue and White leaders Benny Gantz (2L), Yair Lapid (2R), Gabi Ashkenazi (R) and Moshe Ya’alon (L). (photo credit: Elad Malka)

Blue and White’s move was made possible once Israeli President Reuven Rivlin gave Gantz the mandate to form a new coalition government.  Even though Gantz’s party won fewer seats than did Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud, Netanyahu’s religious right-wing bloc was unable to muster the requisite 61 seats necessary to enable him to form a minority government. Likud also won close to 230,000 more votes than in the previous election; its bloc received more than 460,000 votes than did Gantz, an increase of 300,000 votes since September.

However, Israeli electoral law, with the mandate for proportional representation and the necessity of coalitions, is such that Yisrael Beiteinu Chairman Avigdor Liberman’s support for the anti-Netanyahu center-left bloc (that includes Labor, Gesher, and Meretz) placed Gantz within reach of that magic number. But that scenario would only be possible with the help of the Arab Joint List, which won 15 seats, two more than they received during the previous election, and the highest number of Knesset seats won to date.

Blue and White may have the numbers, but does it have the political will to ultimately align with anti-Zionists whose stated goal is the elimination of Israel as a Jewish state? Will the quickly evolving political realities within Israel play against the coronavirus scourge? Is it too soon to declare the end of the Netanyahu era?

Benny Gantz and Blue and White

Benny Gantz, a political newcomer, has proven himself to be a critical player on the Israeli electoral landscape. His party’s support, though, comes primarily from Tel Aviv. While Blue and White is centrist on security, it leans leftward on domestic issues. Many Blue and White supporters have reservations regarding Israel’s recently passed Citizenship Law, and favor a more inclusive society, according to political commentator and Canadian Institute for Jewish Research (CIJR) Fellow Prof. David Bensoussan, professor at École de technologie supérieure. In contrast, Likud voters are more representative of the country as a whole and include many Sephardim who are traditional, distrustful of Arabs, and nationalistic.

“Unlike Likud, Blue and White is not a united by ideology or leadership but is a conglomerate of entities,” political analyst Dr. Manfred Gerstenfeld explains. The party consists of Yair Lapid’s center-left Yesh Atid, which ate into the traditional Labor vote. A second faction comprises a loose collection of individuals who Gantz chose specifically for the election. A third entity – Telem – consists of four or five MKs under the leadership of former Chief of Staff Moshe “Bogie” Yaalon, who served for a short time as Minister of Defense within the Likud government and stands to the right of Likud on security issues.

“What keeps the three entities together is their dislike of Netanyahu. That may be a strong bond in normal times. Today, with many Israelis worried about Corona and with isolation programs in play, this bond makes less sense.  The latest poll indicates that more people have confidence in Netanyahu as Prime Minister than in Gantz,” Dr. Gerstenfeld says.

Avigdor Lieberman and Yisrael Beiteinu

Ideologically, the secular right-wing nationalist Avigdor Liberman marries more easily with Likud than Blue and White.  Dubbed the “kingmaker,” Lieberman holds the balance of power in favor of Likud. However, Liberman refuses to back Netanyahu, claiming he is overly aligned with the ultra-Orthodox and religious parties.  Lieberman calls for a union between Likud and Blue and White, with the exclusion of the haredim.

“Liberman has significant issues with the ultra-Orthodox. His ‘bare minimum’ demands to Gantz for his support include a conscription bill to enlist haredim into the army, the easing of civil marriages, transferring the authority over Shabbat transportation to local authorities, and easing Orthodox conversions. Because many of his Russian constituents are not Jewish enough for the rabbis, the current stringent conversion requirements create a problem for them,” says Prof. Bensoussan.


The Arab Joint List

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with Health Minister Rabbi Yaakov Litzman and Executive Director of Health Dept. Moshe Siman Tov holding a video conference with European Leaders to discuss challenges and cooperation between the countries in dealing with the coronavirus.

The Arab party’s astonishing political rise is one of the unexpected consequences of the electoral paralysis plaguing Israel this past year.  Israeli Arabs comprise 20 percent of the population.  Of the 600,000 votes they received, 20,000 were from leftist Jews who voted for the Joint List rather than Labor.

As did Liberman, the Joint List refused to sell its support cheaply.  Its demands to Gantz include the annulment of the Kaminitz Law and the Nation-State Law.  The 2017 Kaminitz Law thwarts the construction of thousands of illegal Arab dwellings, while the Nation-State Law enshrines Israel as the exclusive nation-state of the Jewish people.  Balad, one of the Joint List’s more radical factions, adamantly rejects Israel as an exclusively Jewish state.  One of its MKs, Hanin Zuabi, participated in the 2010 Mavi Marmara flotilla to Gaza. Moreover, Joint List Chairman Ahmad Tibi told the Jerusalem Post that they also demand an end to IDF strikes in Gaza, substantially inhibiting the IDF’s ability to protect Israeli citizens.

“If Gantz forms a government with the Joint List, you will theoretically have ministers who do not recognize Israel as a Jewish state. What is at stake is Israel’s very identity. If you put aside the Jewishness of the state, you have a country like any other country, and there is no reason for Jews to live in Israel and not elsewhere,” Prof. Bensoussan points out.

Gantz acknowledges the fundamental conflicts between the two parties. “The Joint List and I are deeply divided on the diplomatic, national, and security concerns of the State of Israel,” he said during his last campaign. “Israel is a Jewish and democratic state, the only one of its kind, which must protect itself from its outside enemies.” Still, Blue and White and Yisrael Beitenu’s dislike of Netanyahu is so intense that they are presumably willing to overlook the Joint List’s anti-Zionism, as well as ignore the will of the majority who voted Likud to oust him from office.

Will the Coronavirus be the Deciding Factor?

What Gantz could not have foreseen was how the coronavirus would affect the political scene in Israel. With the implementing of extraordinary measures, such as closing schools, shutting restaurants and theatres, putting citizens potentially exposed to coronavirus into 14-day quarantine, and curtailing public transportation, Israelis are feeling anxious, and are looking for strong leadership. And Netanyahu has stepped right up and has made himself seem indispensable. He has been on prime time television every day, flanked by government epidemiologists and economic planners, detailing methods of personal hygiene, bragging that Israel is an example to the world, and promising Israelis that they will get through this together. His public ratings are climbing. Although anything can happen, it seems that Netanyahu’s political career is not over, yet.

State of Emergency – Community Bands Together to Battle Unprecedented Pandemic

Dave Gordon

Coronavirus (COVID-19). Virtually unheard of fewer than six months ago. It started on the other side of the world. A once-a-century pandemic that few really understand, and fewer know how to respond to, has paralyzed the world, the U.S., the Tri-State Area, and our community. Who could have dreamed how stealthily it would invade our shores, shatter our security, impact our synagogues, yeshivot, and semahot. Families are facing agonizing dilemmas previously unheard of – such as, should a wedding be pushed off – something which is usually considered something to avoid at all costs?

Currently, on six continents, with over 360,000 people infected at the time of writing, the coronavirus has become the focus of international efforts to contain its spread as much as possible. The numbers are rising every day, and who knows what the next few weeks will bring?

(Please note that since this is a developing and changing situation from one day to the next, by the time this article goes to print the information and situation might be very different than what it is now).

We find ourselves in a surreal period of quarantines, cancellations, and social distancing. Self-isolation is the order of the day. Travel bans are in effect across every hub. Virtually every non-essential store and company has shuttered in almost every city: restaurants, theaters, shops, gyms, sports centers, community centers. Handshakes and hugs are forbidden. Kollels and synagogues  have closed, weddings take place on front porches in front of five people, and minyanim are now frowned upon. Schools are closed, and children learn online. Hand-sanitizer is now a staple item. And we’re washing our hands until it hurts, by doctor’s orders.

The coronavirus, has brought all social life to a screeching halt.

The reaction of some has been swift and extreme. People are hoarding supplies and foodstuffs. Surgical masks, a presumed preventative measure, are being bought off the shelves, and even stolen from medical facilities.

Are we going over the top? Being practical and safe? Not doing enough?

These are all good questions, and like with any sudden change in the status quo, and like any new challenge, we won’t know what we did, or didn’t do right, until many weeks, or perhaps, months, later.

But first things first. For all of the stress and radical change in lifestyle, writer Michael Pietrzak in Success magazine says it’s important not to lose our perspective, or our reason.

“(We must not let) the parallel virus of media fearmongering drive us to irrational behavior,” he warns, in the lead-in to what has since become the drastic measures undertaken by the U.S. in response to the crisis.

Those aforementioned surgical masks? Pietrzak says those were not meant to protect the layman from germs. They were designed to keep surgeons’ saliva specs from inadvertently falling into a patient’s wounds during operation. And those much-hoarded bottles of Purell – as helpful as they might be – should be used only when hand-washing isn’t available, he says. Should the numbers of patients increase dramatically, Heaven forbid, these bottles will ultimately be needed in medical facilities a whole lot more than on our kitchen counters.

“Let’s not exacerbate an emergency by cleaning out Costco,” Pietrzak urged.

A Time For Drastic Change

The numbers are, unfortunately, swiftly rising, but as of the time these words are being written, about 500 coronavirus deaths have occurred in the U.S. – out of a population of 330 million. There are a total of about 10,000 deaths globally, with China, Iran, Italy, France, and Spain comprising nine-tenths of the fatalities.

There are a variety of presumed reasons why some countries are affected worse than others. Revealingly, the majority of corona deaths have occurred in one country, China, notorious for its poor healthcare.  And, as of mid-March, Israeli biophysicist Michael Levitt, in Ctech magazine, said that fortunately, the virus was slowing down in China. Levitt, a Nobel prize winner for chemistry in 2013, also noted that with such densely populated centers in China, one ought to have expected a far greater infection rate.

The Wall Street Journal, meanwhile, reported on March 11 that Iran has a relatively higher contagion rate because of its “Chinese-backed infrastructure projects built by scores of workers and technicians from China.”

Moving westward to Italy, according to the country’s national health authority, nearly all the fatalities involved the more vulnerable segments of the population – those with existing severe medical issues, and the elderly, with the average age of those who have succumbed to the virus at around 80. Italy has a disproportionately high number of seniors, leaving the country more susceptible. Levitt added that Italians are culturally “very warm” and social, thus allowing the virus to spread more quickly.

Of course, this is true of Orthodox Jews, as well, and our community in particular. We regularly assemble with large groups of people – at Shabbat meals, in the synagogue for prayer services, classes and sebets, at large celebrations and fundraising affairs, and at family gatherings. The unique social, close-knit nature of our community – which is, normally, our greatest source of strength and pride – is our Achilles’ heel when an epidemic strikes. And, it makes it all the more difficult for us to take the steps which health and government officials are urging – to stay at home as much as possible and avoid all socializing. For us especially, this marks a drastic change of our cultural – and even religious – norms. But the severity of the situation necessitates that we follow these restrictions and quickly adapt ourselves to the new set of circumstances that has been thrust upon us – difficult as this may be.

Community Responses

In an effort to keep the community safe, follow legal guidelines and mitigate worries, nearly all of our religious institutions in the area have closed.

In the days leading up to mid-March, the Eatontown Synagogue (Congregation Shaare Tefilah Bene Moshe) continued their minyanim, but in a larger room, with people keeping their distance from one another. Congregants were asked to bring their own books, so multiple hands did not touch the same prayer books and Humashim. Nevertheless, books were being disinfected, just in case. Women who reported slight illness symptoms were warned not to immerse in the mikveh.

That was before our community’s synagogues rabbis, presidents, and doctors held a conference call to determine the next steps. On March 16th, Rabbi Moshe Douek, Rabbi of the Eatontown shul, said that there were no more services. Doors were closed until further notice. A full lockdown (a few days later, all synagogues, yeshivot, and kollels in the community were closed). Weddings have been cancelled. Rabbi Douek said that his synagogue is providing video clips for children praying at home.

Hillel Yeshiva, like most schools in our community, has been teaching their students via Zoom, a remote method of instruction. Zoom does not require internet access, so the teaching can continue with all the safeguards that a yeshiva requires.

“We were already preparing in late February, with a faculty meeting, with what could be an inevitable school closure, protocol, and plans,” says Rabbi Leon Cohen, assistant rabbi of Park Avenue Synagogue and a teacher at Hillel Yeshiva, which serves some 800 students. The biggest challenge, he reports, is adapting and adopting new instructional methods that few have been exposed to – or at least not at length.

“It’s tough to know if the students really understand the work, if they’re really hearing you,” he explains. “We tend to forget as teachers that it’s not just about the instruction or content, but it’s connecting with the classroom, and being able to bond with them, and to understand them. That, I feel, is what’s missing most.”

Sammy Sitt, Director of Deal Sephardic Network (DSN), says that the facility closed mid-March, when the city declared an emergency. The center offers various sports activities, with a 2,000-strong membership, and is now trying to help homebound community members stay healthy with live streaming exercise classes. “The good thing is that we can show the best of our community coming out, helping each other in need,” he said.

Ike Dweck, Founder and Director of SAFE, says that many clients are foregoing one-to-one therapy visits, for obvious reasons, and group therapies are cancelled. Online resources and internet chats are offered as alternates.

“We want our clients to be safe and adhere to guidelines regarding self-quarantine and social distancing, but isolation can be very detrimental to recovery,” he says. SAFE, he added, began putting contingencies in place even before New York declared a state of emergency, including a thorough cleaning of offices and screening potentially ill clients. As of press time, the doors remain open for crisis situations, and the organization is still available by phone 24 hours a day, seven days a week (866-569-SAFE).

Rabbi Yaakov Marcus of Yeshivat Or Hatorah says the decision to shut down the yeshiva in early-March was because of pending health concerns, and they did so before the city shut down. Hebrew and secular studies are now being conducted online.

“We knew this was coming, so the staff talked about it and met about it. We already sent home work beforehand, and within two days we had things set up online. New York State regulation was already two weeks away. All the teachers had all the courses set out: Gemara, Halachah, Humash.”

Rather than lament, Rabbi Marcus encourages people to see this crisis as a lesson. “People should realize Gd runs the world, and he’s sending us a message. We have to strengthen ourselves through study of Torah, prayer, and following safe practices.”

Keep Calm and Stay Rational

Dr. Abdhu Sharkawy, an infectious disease specialist from Toronto, posted online an important message of hope, urging every to stay calm and composed, rather than resort to panic.

“I am rightly concerned for the welfare of those who are elderly, in frail health,, or disenfranchised who stand to suffer mostly, and disproportionately, at the hands of this new scourge. But I am not scared of Covid-19.

“What I am scared about is the loss of reason and wave of fear that has induced the masses of society into a spellbinding spiral of panic, stockpiling obscene quantities of anything that could fill a bomb shelter adequately in a post-apocalyptic world.”

He emphasized in particular the harm such hysteria could have on children:

“Instead of reason, rationality, open-mindedness and altruism, we are telling them to panic, be fearful, suspicious, reactionary, and self-interested.”

Dr. Sharkawy urges everybody to take the time to stay informed, to get the facts, “as opposed to conjecture, speculation and catastrophizing.”

In short, he says: “Facts not fear. Clean hands. Open hearts.”

Victor Davis Hanson wrote in the City Journal of March 16 of the potential for increased substance abuse among those struggling with stress and anxiety during this epidemic, as a dangerous coping mechanism. He further warned that depression is likelier to set in during times of upheaval, like we are experiencing, especially with the economy crumbling. Hanson urges us all to be mindful of the signs of mental illness, learn yoga or meditation to help ease the anxiety, and phone a friend to lean on.

Looking Ahead

Is there any good news?


The Guardian of the UK reported on March 20 that about three dozen companies and academic institutions “are racing to create” a coronavirus vaccine, while “at least four of which already have candidates they have been testing in animals. The first of these – produced by Boston-based biotech firm Moderna – will enter human trials imminently.”

The other, and more important, piece of good news is that as observant Jews, we believe in Providence and that the world is governed by an omnipotent, benevolent Creator. As long as we do our share – taking the necessary precautions that health officials are urging – we can rely on Gd to do the rest. Our responsible handling of the situation, coupled with our heartfelt prayers and efforts to improve ourselves, will, please Gd, get us through this period and raise us all, both as individuals and as a community, to greater heights of unity and religious commitment.

We look forward to soon returning to our synagogues to offer a heartfelt prayer of thanksgiving to Gd for ending this crisis and for once again showing the world His unlimited power and grace, amen.

What You Need to Know About CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19)

Symptoms of Coronavirus

Reported illnesses have ranged from mild symptoms to severe illness for confirmed coronavirus cases. The following symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure – fever, cough, and shortness of breath. If you think you have been exposed to COVID-19 and develop a fever and symptoms, such as cough or difficulty breathing, call your healthcare provider for medical advice.

If you develop emergency warning signs for COVID-19 get medical attention immediately. Emergency warning signs include: difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, persistent pain or pressure in the chest, new confusion, and bluish lips or face.

NOTE: Call your doctor first. If the doctor feels you should be examined, he/she may make proper arrangements to see you. If you simply walk into a doctor’s office, you may infect others in the office.

Know How It Spreads

There is currently no vaccine to prevent COVID-19. The best way to prevent illness is to avoid being exposed to this virus. The virus is thought to spread mainly from person-to-person.

* Between people who are in close contact with one another (within about six feet).

* Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby or possibly be inhaled into the lungs.

Take Steps to Protect Yourself

Clean your hands often:
Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.
If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60percent alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.

Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
Avoid close contact:

* Avoid close contact with people who are sick.

* Put distance between yourself and other people if COVID-19 is spreading in your community. This is especially important for people who are at higher risk of getting very sick.

* Older adults and people who have severe underlying chronic medical conditions like heart or lung disease or diabetes seem to be at higher risk for developing more serious complications from COVID-19 illness. Please consult with your health care provider about additional steps you may be able to take to protect yourself.

Take Steps to Protect Others

* Stay home if you’re sick.

* Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze or use the inside of your elbow.

* After you cough or sneeze – immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

* Throw used tissues into the trash.

Clean and Disinfect

Clean AND disinfect frequently touched surfaces daily. This includes tables, doorknobs, light switches, countertops, handles, desks, phones, keyboards, toilets, faucets, and sinks. If surfaces are dirty, clean them. Use detergent or soap and water prior to disinfection.



Risk of Children Becoming Sick with COVID-19

Based on available evidence, children do not appear to be at higher risk for COVID-19 than adults. While some children and infants have been sick with COVID-19, adults make up most of the known cases to date.

If you are sick: You should wear a facemask when you are around other people (e.g., in the same room or vehicle) and before you enter a healthcare provider’s office. If you are not able to wear a facemask (for example, because it causes trouble breathing), then you should do your best to cover your coughs and sneezes, and people who are caring for you should wear a facemask if they enter your room.
If you are NOT sick: You do not need to wear a facemask unless you are caring for someone who is sick (and they are not able to wear a facemask). Facemasks may be in short supply and they should be saved for caregivers.

Information obtained from CDC (Centers for Disease Control) Additional and updated  information can be found on their website or local health departments. New Yorkers may call 311 for more information.



Coronavirus In the Torah

The current coronavirus pandemic is hinted to in the Torah, says Biblical scholar Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson, who discovered that this allusion can be disclosed using the “Bible Codes” system of revealing secrets concealed within the sacred text.  These codes predict major events that have taken place or will take place, even many millennia after the Torah was written.

Community Magazine contacted Rabbi Glazerson for his insights into the Biblical references to the current crisis. Before presenting the full revelation of the Bible Code, Rabbi Glazerson first  highlighted numerous news stories that point to the coronavirus outbreak originating from China’s markets – which were reported to have included everything from rats, snakes, bats, fish, to still-living wolf pups.

Rabbi Glazerson produced a video in which he lays out his thesis that the coronavirus can be found in the Torah – specifically, in a segment  from the Book of Vayikra  that speaks of the importance of refraining from the consumption of certain species which are considered “impure.” He highlighted consistent patterns of letters that appear equidistant from one another in the text – something known as the Equidistant Letter Sequence (ELS), a feature on which Bible Codes scholars heavily rely.

What is ELS?

Suppose we eliminate all spaces in the Torah, and consider the text as one long sequence of 304,805 letters. A computer then finds hidden words, encoded at equal intervals of letters. Statisticians call this phenomenon ELS.

Rabbi Glazerson explained that in the section in Vayikra that discusses the prohibition against eating forbidden species, there is an ELS sequence of the Hebrew letters kuf, vav, resh, vav, nun and heh – the letters that spell the word “Corona.”

He also points out other highlighted ELS patterns in the same section, one of which features the letters vav, yud, resh, vav and samech: “virus.” Another consists of the letters alef, bet, resh, mem, het and yud, which spell “ever mehailimb from the living.” This term, Rabbi Glazerson says, refers to the sin of eating the limb of a still-living animal.

In another part of the excerpt, Rabbi Glazerson highlights the letters samech, yud, nun and yud, which spell sini, or “Chinese.”

“You have it exactly in the section of the Torah that speaks of things you should not eat,” Rabbi Glazerson explained, pointing excitedly to a highlighted verse: “I separated for you the impure things, then you will be for Me a holy people.”

“It’s amazing finding this: coronavirus, China, and the limb from the living, which causes what we see now,” Glazerson concluded.

In this chart the highlighted words include: Corona (top left in black) / Virus (center in red) / Do not eat (top center in orange) / Limb from the living (center in purple)

In this chart the Bible Codes confirm that the coronavirus will come from people eating bats in China in the year 5780.

Hidden Messages

The Torah contains not just the holy words passed down through Moshe, but also a myriad of subtler, and even hidden, messages.

Those hidden messages could be hints to events or people at any period in history, and over time, those messages can be revealed with the right tools and interpretative methods.

It was only in the past few decades that a new methodology was developed with the help of modern technology to search for hidden messages in the Torah through “codes.” The codes are words spelled out in patterns throughout portions of text. Those who deciphered these hidden codes claim that there are hidden messages encoded in the Hebrew text of the Torah, messages so complex that no human could possibly have embedded them.

It should thus come as no surprise that the coronavirus pandemic and its origin are alluded to in the Torah!

Charts and Insights provided by Rabbi Matityahu Glazerson. Rabbi Glazerson has written over 30 books on the Bible Codes and related subjects, including, Torah Codes: A Glimpse into the Infinite, which was co-authored by Professors Robert Haralick and Eliyahu Rips.

Nearsighted Pandemic 2020

Research has shown by the year 2050 almost 50 percent of the world population will be nearsighted, almost 5 billion people! Currently, children play less than 1.5 hours each day outdoors. The average child uses some form of digital device between four-six hours per day. These factors including one or both parents wearing eyeglasses have contributed to this worldwide problem. Until recently the only solution to blurry vision was thicker stronger prescription eyeglasses. Countries around the world have done extensive studies of this epidemic. Poor vision contributes to work inefficiencies, errors, poor self-esteem, and long-term increased risk of cataracts, glaucoma, and retinal degeneration – even among all social classes and economic hierarchies. Now, there are solutions that can slow down this never-ending progression of nearsightedness. Special eyedrops used at bedtime, custom fit multifocal daily soft contacts, and nighttime sleeping contacts that relieve the child of daytime eyeglasses are all valuable well-documented methods to mitigate this worldwide problem. Ask your optometrist about these life changing proven methods to slow your child’s vision impairment between 40-60 percent!

For more information, please contact Dr. Ezra E. Cohen, Myopia Management Consultant, at

ecohen@eyeonedu.org or 718-946-5060 .

Verrazzano Bridge Will Widen Brooklyn Approach to Ease Congestion

On March 1st, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) announced the start of construction to improve traffic flow from the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge to the eastbound Gowanus Expressway.

The project aims to reduce congestion for drivers heading into Brooklyn and Manhattan during rush hours. More than 60,000 vehicles per day pack the Verrazzano-Narrows Bridge traveling eastbound to the Gowanus Expressway.

“The project is a beneficial time-saver for commuters who travel between Staten Island and Manhattan every day and those motorists who exit at Fort Hamilton Parkway,” said Daniel DeCrescenzo, Acting President MTA Bridges and Tunnels. “Plus, the project will reduce the potential for collisions and improve the overall safety of the bridge.”

The $18 million project will widen the segment of the roadway from 92nd Street to the Fort Hamilton Parkway exit. Currently, two lanes from the upper level and two lanes from the lower level of the bridge converge near 92nd Street onto the Gowanus Expressway. Then, east of 92nd Street, the four-lane roadway drops to three lanes. The new construction will expand the Fort Hamilton Parkway exit ramp to two lanes and add a fourth eastbound lane from the Verrazzano to the Fort Hamilton Parkway exit, the MTA explained.

Roadway construction will last through next spring. Authorities say the project will improve the traffic flow and potentially reduce collisions by 20 percent.

Genizah Alert!

With Purim past, and Pesach cleaning present, our houses become a whirlwind of heightened excitement and activity. Spray bottles and Bounty come out of the closet and spring cleaning begins! All the clutter that was shoved away in the coat closets and drawers gets tackled full force with a garbage bag on hand. Then, the time comes to clean the kids’ schoolbags. Shoved papers, old tests, and forgotten snacks start making their way towards the garbage can.

But wait! We don’t always pay attention to what is getting thrown away. Our children have been collecting sheets that contain divrei kedusha! Holy books are not the only items part of the laws of genizah. Do we ever stop to wonder what can be thrown away and what cannot?

Keep in mind when cleaning:

  • Genizah includes books and papers alike.
  • Genizah does not only have to include Hashem’s name, it can even include a simple pasuk.
  • How to care for old
  • A child’s written school work can be more holy than a printed book.

The Mishna in Pirkei Avot says, “Whoever honors the Torah he himself is honored by people.” The Rambam explains that this applies to honoring the books that were written as well. Join Rabbi Joey Mizrahi by raising awareness on this very important topic. For further information and details of what should be put into genizah, call or text Rabbi Joey at 347- 598 -3215.

Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein: Eliminate Driver’s License Suspension Due to Unpaid Fines

Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein

Is your driver’s license valid? It may not be. In the last 28 months, New York issued nearly 1.7 million driver’s license suspensions for not paying traffic tickets. That is nearly two thirds of all license suspensions in New York.  New York State lawmakers are saying enough is enough. A new bill sponsored by Assemblywoman Pamela Hunter and co-sponsored by Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein seeks to amend the vehicle and traffic law so that drivers who owe unpaid fines will not face arbitrary license suspension.

“License suspension has significant adverse consequences,” said Eichenstein. “Without a driver’s license a person cannot drive to work or to school or even to court to pay their fine. It’s an unfair and unjust practice that’s been going on for too long and I’m proud to be co-sponsoring Assemblywoman Hunter’s legislation.”

Currently, those who continue to drive with a suspended licenses, even unknowingly, risk criminal charges and more unaffordable fines and fees. Assemblyman Eichenstein pointed out that this is totally unnecessary and unproductive. Instead, this legislation would end traffic debt suspensions and make affordable payment plans available to help pay fees that are owed. That would considerably reduce prosecution and arrests, allowing law enforcement and the courts to focus on more serious crimes and on drivers who pose an actual danger on the roads.

This proposed legislation is gaining momentum in the State Assembly, as legislators are eager to see license suspensions curtailed.

“Let’s keep our safe and responsible drivers on the roads instead of being embroiled in needless and wasteful court appearances,” said Eichenstein. “This new legislation would represent a victory for all New York drivers.”

SSBA Rollout Represents Years of Agudah Effort: Yeshivot to Receive an Extra $11 Million

Agudah welcomes the long-awaited rollout of the Smart School Bond Act (SSBA) program, giving nonpublic schools an additional $25 million than previously offered. The yeshiva share of this additional money is $11 million, bringing the yeshiva total allotment to $21 million.

The SSBA program, approved by voters on November 4, 2014, authorized $2 billion to improve education in NYS public schools. School districts could earmark some of that money for classroom technology. In that case, the districts must loan devices, equal to the proportionate share of the technology items ordered, to nonpublic schools.

Thanks to five years of advocacy by the Agudah and the Committee of New York City Religious and Independent School Officials, the money was distributed equitably to children in nonpublic schools, including yeshivas.

Agudah’s advocacy began in response to the seemingly low appropriations for nonpublic school students. The New York City Department of Education originally advised that the nonpublic school allocation would be $92.60.

After researching the subject, Avrohom Weinstock, Esq., Agudath Israel’s Chief of Staff and Associate Director for Education Affairs, realized that certain school districts, including the NYC DOE, misinterpreted state guidance on the matter. The districts were not calculating funds to offset specific categories of technology items that were, in reality, included in the statute and the state’s interpretation of it.

Agudath Israel and its coalition swung into action. Mr. Weinstock penned a brief showing why the NYC DOE should provide a much higher per capita amount to nonpublic school students. Agudah met numerous times with state officials at the highest levels to correct this inequity.

As a result, the NYS Legislature allocated an additional $25 million for nonpublic school technology under SSBA. That’s a total of $201.32 per child, which is an extra $108 per child, more than double the previous allotment of $92.60! That translated into an additional $11 million for yeshivas.

Special thanks to Mr. David Rubel of the Sephardic Community Federation and the United Jewish Organizations of Williamsburg for his role in this effort.

The Case – Lawyer’s Creed or Greed?

Abe, an accomplished lawyer, was hired to negotiate a settlement on behalf of his client. Due to his client’s advanced age and inability to withstand the pressure of the negotiation process, Abe’s job included reviewing the relevant documentation prior to negotiations without his client’s assistance. The client signed a contract compensating Abe with a flat fee of fifty thousand dollars for his services, and the client immediately wired Abe ten thousand dollars in payment. After Abe’s office spent a few hours reviewing the material, Abe made a total of three phone calls and several text messages in negotiations over the next two weeks. Abe’s work was clearly only in the preliminary stages of development. Surprisingly, shortly thereafter, Abe’s client somehow managed to settle the entire dispute on his own in a single meeting with his opponents. Abe appeared in Bet Din claiming payment of the forty-thousand-dollar balance due as per the contract. He explained that he performed his services in a professional manner and the specific time frame of two weeks is irrelevant. He asserted that he charged a flat rate regardless of the duration of time required. Additionally, a contingency clause in the contract enabling Abe to collect 30 percent of any amount awarded was crossed out. Collection of percentage was not a relevant term in this case, as the client was not claiming payment from his opponents.  Strangely, the next clause which was not crossed out did entitle Abe to collect 30 percent from the amount awarded even if his client privately settled the matter without his knowledge. Abe claimed that the latter clause was not crossed out, only to ensure under the same terms, his flat fee of fifty thousand dollars from his client. The client countered that he is unwilling to pay an additional forty thousand dollars for a few hours of preliminary work which did not even assist him to settle the dispute. He expressed that the ten thousand dollars wired was already an outrageous sum for the services received. The client further defended that the clause ensuring payment in the event he privately settled, is only relevant as stipulated, to cases with a 30 percent contingency fee, and not for flat rate fees.

How should the Bet Din rule, in favor of Abe or the client and why?

Torah Law

By rule of the Shulhan Aruch when one hires a worker to make a pickup and the worker completes his assignment and delivers the item to his employer, the worker is entitled to his full wages. This ruling is applicable even in instances in which the item delivered was ultimately not of any benefit to the employer, nevertheless, once delivered the worker is entitled to his pay. In a classic ruling, a worker that was sent to deliver medicine to a patient was deemed entitled to his wages although the patient passed away upon the worker’s arrival. Since the worker completed his duties he is entitled to his wages in full.

In another ruling of the Shulhan Aruch, a donkey owner stipulated compensation for his drowning donkey in order to save his friend’s more valuable donkey from drowning. By law, if the more valuable donkey is saved, he is entitled to payment for his lost donkey as stipulated. If, however, he does not manage to save the more valuable donkey, he is only entitled to payment for his time and service. Since he did not manage to save his friend’s more valuable donkey as stipulated, he is not entitled to compensation for his donkey that he forfeited. Although he did not successfully complete his job, he is nevertheless entitled to wages for at least the service he performed.

Leading halachic authorities rule that in instances in which a contractor or employee do not complete the service they are hired for, they are not entitled to their full wages. This latter ruling submitted by early halachic authorities is consistent with the two aforementioned rulings of the Shulhan Aruch. By law, payment is only provided when a service or job is performed. If an employee or contractor only partially perform their assignment they are only entitled to a prorated fee.

Early halachic authorities specifically address the law with regard to a messenger sent to deliver a message and the sender happened to meet the recipient in a nearby location. In such an instance, if the sender manages to stop the messenger midway, he is only required to compensate him for the distance he already travelled.

By rule of the Shulhan Aruch, when the meaning of a clause in a contract is obscure, the holder collecting payment based on contract is at a disadvantage. Without clear proof that the contract includes the right to collect payment, the defendant is acquitted from liability. This is surely true when a more logical explanation is offered by the defendant to the meaning of the contract.

VERDICT: No Free Money

Our Bet Din ruled in favor of the client by dismissing Abe’s claim for additional payment. As expressed in Torah law, Abe is not entitled to additional payment since he did not provide sufficient legal services to his client to demand such exorbitant wages. Abe only made preliminary phone calls for his client and never once directly contacted the opposing party in negotiation. The client who fortunately made a settlement did not benefit from any of Abe’s services whatsoever. Although Abe did spend a few hours reviewing the paperwork, the payment of $10,000 which he already received is clearly enough compensation for his work.

Additionally, our Bet Din dismissed the claim that Abe was entitled to his wages even after his client chose to settle without his knowledge. Since it is possible that the said clause in the contract was limited to instances in which a 30 percent contingency is collected, Abe is not entitled to apply the clause to another area of the contract. In all instances in which the language or content of a contract is obscure, the party seeking to collect via the contract is at a legal disadvantage. Furthermore, it stands to reason that ensuring payment even if a client privately settles without his lawyer’s knowledge is only applicable to a contingency agreement. After all the toil, effort, and legal counsel a lawyer seeks to protect himself by ensuring his full percentage. However, when nearly no work is provided, a flat rate of payment is adjusted to compensate a lawyer accordingly.


Who Gets the Rent?

Amy was recently widowed and was financially struggling to pay her monthly rent. Although her son-in-law was very affluent and provided her with most of her financial needs, Amy chose to sublet bedrooms in her apartment to young ladies studying in a nearby school. The income generated covered nearly half of the monthly rent and Amy actually enjoyed the company of some of her new tenants. Nine months thereafter, Joe the landlord first discovered that Amy had sublet his property. He immediately sent notice to Amy that her sublet arrangement was a material breach of their contract. Joe demanded of Amy to forward to him all the proceeds of the sublet arrangements of the past nine months, in addition to the rent she already paid. Joe explained that Amy had no legal right to sublet his property, making him entitled to all revenue collected in the interim. Amy defended that she was forced to earn the additional income as there was no other way for her to cover the rent. Joe responded that Amy traveled on three costly vacations since her husband’s passing and he does not believe that she lacks access to funds. Joe added that if Amy cannot afford the rent then she is to move out immediately and rent a cheaper apartment. He claimed that the material breach of contract is grounds for eviction and if she cannot “afford” the rent then he will evict her.

Is Joe entitled to the sublet proceeds? Can he evict Amy from his apartment?

How should the Bet Din rule and why?


A Biblical Timeout – What Could Be The Meaning Of a Virus Forcing Millions Into a “Timeout” of Quarantine and Seclusion?

Rabbi Benjamin Blech

“When we are directed by doctors to wash our hands we are required to do so by Torah law.”

Coronavirus is officially a global pandemic. Suddenly we find ourselves smitten by a plague of biblical severity.

Pesach asks us to remember the ten plagues which Hashem sent against the Egyptians. With the help of the Torah we know the purpose behind these afflictions of a people. Gd had a plan. Egyptian suffering had meaning. What makes our contemporary anguish so particularly unbearable is its seeming incomprehensibility.

In the age of the prophets there would have been an effort to discern some Divine message in this global tragedy. But today we somehow assume that scientific knowledge precludes the possibility for including Hashem as part of the management of the universe. After all, who can argue with Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch who, in the latter half of the 19th century, proved the germ theory of disease – that pathogens too small to see without magnification are the true cause of illness? Germs are the villains and viruses are the sole reasons for the presence of diseases that determine whether we live or die.

A Divine Message

And I dare to ask: Doesn’t belief in Gd demand that we merge the germ theory of disease with the conviction of faith in a Supreme Being who actually decides where, when, and how far viruses spread?

Please understand exactly what I’m saying. Rambam long ago made clear that it is our obligation to ensure our good health. We can’t simply rely on Hashem; Hashem has made us his partners in our quest for longevity. Hygiene is a mitzvah; it’s an obligation. Taking care of our bodies is a spiritual requirement akin to protecting our souls. When we are directed by doctors to wash our hands we are required to do so by Torah law.

But the ultimate decision of life or death remains, as we make clear every year on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur when our fate is sealed, with the Almighty.

That is why I’m amazed that of the countless suggestions for how to counter and to cope with the coronavirus we hear so little of the word Gd and the possibility that this global pandemic brings with it a profound Divine message.

I am obviously no prophet, but here is a thought that I think is worth considering and taking to heart. Every parent knows that one of the most obvious responses to a child’s misbehavior is what is commonly known as a “timeout.” The child is restricted from enjoying pleasurable activities. The child has his normal life disrupted. The child is encouraged to reflect upon his disobedience. Is it too much to consider that as our world continues to sink ever lower in our commitment to virtue that Hashem responded with a virus that has forced millions into a “timeout” of quarantine and seclusion?

The Ten Commandments – 620 letters

The Ten Commandments are the biblical source of the most basic system of ethical and moral behavior. They represent the primary justification for our continued existence on earth. And the commentators took note of a remarkable number. In the original Hebrew, the language in which the commandments were inscribed by Gd on the two tablets, there are exactly 620 letters.

620 would seem to be a number with no particular theological significance. It would have been perfect and readily comprehensible if there were exactly 613 letters in the Ten Commandments. Those are the numbers of mitzvot given to the Jewish people in the Torah. The Ten Commandments are the principles inherent in all of Jewish law. But what is the meaning of 620 letters? The rabbis explained. While the number of mitzvot for Jews is 613, the number seven represents universal law – what is commonly referred to as the seven laws of the descendants of Noah, required as a minimum for all of mankind. And 620, of course, is the sum of 613 and seven, the totality of Divine guidance for both Jews as well as the rest of the world.

The commentary does not end there. 620 is the gematria, the numerical value, of an important Hebrew word, keter, which means crown. A keter – a crown – is placed on top of every Torah scroll. The symbolism is obvious. The crown above the Torah demonstrates the relationship of the Ten Commandments to the rest of the Torah. From the 10 – in number of letters 620 – we have the principles which subsequently found expression in the entirety of the Torah.

The keter – the crown – is the most powerful symbol of our connection with Gd.

The word corona – as in coronavirus – comes from the Latin word for crown.

Perhaps we need to consider the world’s present affliction not just in the context of a disease caused by pathogens, but as a Divine message reminding us that we have been given our lives to invest them with meaning and virtue as defined by Hashem’s Ten Commandments.

The Biblical Quarantine

There is a biblical parallel of quarantine that Jewish scholars viewed from a moral perspective.

The book of Vayikra describes the metzora, a person afflicted with tzara’at, a disease commonly mistranslated as leprosy. In fact, the disease is a spiritual malady, primarily caused by speaking slander about others. The metzora is someone who was, in Hebrew, motzi ra – an originator of evil talk, and he was to be quarantined, sent outside of the camp, sparing the community from his ability to infect others with his destructive gossip.

Thus, the biblical quarantine was intended not to isolate a carrier of physical disease but rather of moral turpitude.

While we hope to find a cure for the coronavirus, let us derive an ethical lesson from the ongoing misfortune. Everyone acknowledges the obvious: we dare not allow the healthy to be exposed to those who can harm them.

Isn’t this the most fundamental truth about human relationships?

Friends are assuredly good for you. In recent years, scientific research has suggested that people who have strong friendships experience less stress, recover more quickly from heart attacks, and are likely to live longer than the friendless.

But not all friends have such a salutary effect. Some lie, insult, and betray. Some give bad advice and have immoral values. Psychologists and sociologists are now calling attention to the negative health effects of bad friends.

Do not underestimate the warning of Shlomo Hamelech in his book of Proverbs: “He that walks with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed” (Proverbs 13:20).

Perhaps the most important way in which we can help direct the path of our children’s lives is by constantly reminding them how important it is for them to not only have good friends, but friends who are good. It’s a lesson we all need to take to heart. Some people need to be quarantined before they get a chance to infect us with their diseased values.

Rabbi Benjamin Blech is the author of 19 highly acclaimed books.  A much sought after speaker, he is available as scholar-in-residence in your community. See his website at rabbibenjaminblech.com

One on One with Ellen Geller Kamaras

Lois Sutton

 “Put your own oxygen mask on first-people depend on you. If you are feeling down, get outside and reach out to someone in need, and don’t forget to smile.”  – Ellen

For the past three years, Ellen Kamaras has brought us insightful articles, profiling women in our community.  I had the honor of being interviewed by her last month and in the process, I learned of her fascinating story.  This month the tables are turned, and I present to you the woman behind the byline.

Ellen is not only a devoted wife, mother, and grandmother.  She is also a CPA, patient advocate, divorce financial analyst, entitlements specialist, writer, life coach, and did I mention successful matchmaker?

A Little History

Let me take you on Ellen’s journey.  Her life is a case study in recognizing opportunity when it presents itself and constantly reinventing herself by building on her past strengths and experiences.  Ellen was born in Brooklyn to holocaust survivors Malcia and Israel Geller.  Ellen says being the child of survivors shaped who she is.   Her parents were her role models who taught her to appreciate what she had and to recognize the performance of good deeds.

“Gratitude and kindness were the values they modeled and spoke about, even though they suffered greatly. They weren’t bitter; they had hope and were resilient.” Her father taught her about the importance of balance in life, speaking of Rambam and the shviel hazav, the golden path.  Ellen cites balance as one of her guiding principles.  From her mother she learned sensitivity and kindness.  A shy but over-achieving student, Ellen attended Yeshivah of Flatbush High School, where she made her SY connections, which she maintains to this day.  Her dream was to become a nurse or a social worker, but when she graduated Brooklyn College summa cum laude with a double major in Accounting and Psychology, she took  a job offer with a Big 8 accounting firm that provided a lucrative salary and job security.   Ellen passed the CPA exam in one year and received an MBA in Taxation from Baruch College.

It was her older brother Martin who encouraged her to try the first accounting class, and it set the course of her life for the next 34 years.  Ellen began at Ernst and Young and after four years moved to Manufacturers Hanover Trust (now Chase).  While at Chase, she met and married the love of her life, Phil, after he graduated law school.  Phil has been a matrimonial attorney since the early 90s.  They met indirectly as a result of a match she made for her close friend from Flatbush Yeshiva.

Teamwork Leads to Success

From 1981 until 2011, Ellen was a finance professional at Chase, Bristol-Myers Squibb, and at a consulting firm. She was a working mom while she and Phil  raised their two children, Jacob and Sarah.   Her biggest challenge was work-life balance.  This led to Ellen’s push for part-time work three days a week for one year after Jacob was born and for job sharing after giving birth to Sarah, which at that time was revolutionary.    Ellen convinced her boss at Chase that “60 percent of me was better than 100 percent of someone new.”  When she job-shared, Ellen recalls that she and her job mate, Katy, would leave handwritten notes for each other, passing the baton regarding the special projects they were jointly working on.   These arrangements enabled Ellen to have the flexibility she needed while her children were young.   Phil was involved too;  the house rule was that whoever gets home first starts dinner.  Ellen’s parents helped with babysitting, and once the kids were older they pitched in, too.

Ellen and Phil’s hard work paid off as their children are both accomplished and successful in their fields:  Jacob was a journalist and in 2011 he successfully launched JNS.org, a Jewish news wire service.  He is now a public relations specialist and lives in California with his wife Megan Marcus, founder of FuelEd, and their son Elliott.  Sarah is a film producer at Vox Media and also produced and directed documentaries, including a series about her maternal grandparents’ town in the Ukraine. The series is called The Podkamieners. It follows a group of Holocaust survivors who were forced to flee their small town of Podkamien and hide in the woods during WWII.

Ellen Takes a Leap

When Sarah graduated from college, Ellen decided to follow her passion and left the corporate world.  She earned a divorce financial analyst certification and prepared financial affidavits for her husband’s clients.  Ellen also trained and was accepted as a matchmaker on Sawyouatsinai.com, making two matches on the site, including one for her son (Ellen previously arranged two successful matches before joining this service).

Her most rewarding life change was being a volunteer family liaison and patient ambassador at NYP Brooklyn Methodist Hospital.  She visits patients, troubleshoots for them, helps families navigate the system, and trains new volunteers.

“It grounds me and helps me appreciate what Hashem has given me, including my health.”

Ellen’s dream of social work was rekindled, and she was accepted into the Wurzweiler Graduate School.  She was sidelined again, this time with a medical issue, and never attended.  Instead, Ellen tried a coaching class at NYU.  She immediately fell in love with the concept of helping people make positive changes in their lives.  She enrolled in the program and is credentialed by the International Coaching Federation as an Associate Certified Coach. Ellen also trained to become a relationship coach for singles, thus, opening the newest chapter in her life.  Her coaching brand is “passion, purpose, and positivity,”  which also describes Ellen herself.  She adds that she is a spiritual optimist and a glass half-full person.

Ellen’s foray into coaching led her to writing for Community Magazine.  Her business coach encouraged her to write for a local magazine as a way to build her brand.  Living in a Syrian neighborhood, she received Community.  She contacted the editor, and the rest is history.  Ellen also works part-time as an entitlements specialist for Ohel Children’s Home and Family Services.  She advocates for her clients to ensure they receive their governmental benefits.

Ellen’s position at Ohel enables her to use both her coaching and finance skills and to thrive in a structured and collaborative environment.  Her childhood friend Bonnie recommended her to Ohel, and it was a perfect match for her and for the organization.  Although Ellen is now very outgoing, she admits that she used to be a “shy nerd” who blossomed by going out of her comfort zone in each new phase of her life.

The Biggest Move

A major event in Ellen’s life was the recent downsizing from her home of 31 years to start again in Brooklyn Heights.  Had she not trained as a life coach, Ellen would not have had the courage to sell the family house and move.  She yearned for a neighborhood with a small town feel and a close-knit connection among its residents.   Ellen is grateful that her husband trusted her and joined her on this adventure.

“A vibrant shul and  a warm and welcoming community were the deal breakers in making this enormous decision.  Shabbat is the centerpiece of my week.”

Now fully entrenched in neighborhood and shul life, Ellen leads workshops and programs such as Finding Your Spark and The Shabbos Project, and she participates in summer learn-a-thons. Ellen even arranged for an organizational expert to teach the women in her new community how to declutter while they prepare for Pesach.  It should not surprise you that she is currently Sisterhood President and was honored last year as Woman of the Year.

Challenges and Strengths

What are some of her challenges?  Ellen says she has a problem saying “no.”  When she becomes overwhelmed with commitments,  she “presses the reset button” and takes a step back.  She also talks about practicing empathy, “It’s a challenge for most people to just listen and validate feelings.”  Ellen remembers the mnemonic her professor suggested:  WAIT- why am I talking?

What are her strengths? “I am definitely a Type A personality, and my best friend is a To Do list.  I have a short learning curve for computers and technology.”

One secret to her success is being the “queen of follow up,” with a great memory and a penchant for paying attention to details.  Ellen is a team player and is open to others’ viewpoints.  I would add that she is perseverant, tenacious, resilient, warmhearted, and constantly learning and adding to her skills.  She loves connecting with people including the women she interviews for Community.

Ellen unwinds by reading, doing Zumba, taking a walk in the fresh air alone or with friends, and enjoying a hot cappuccino or green juice.  She is inspired by the Brooklyn Promenade, just a block away from her new home, and enjoys the view of Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge.  Her highpoints are her bi-monthly visits to her beloved grandson in California and his parents, of course, and spending time with her daughter who lives across the Bridge.

Parting Advice

Her career advice?  Go into a profession that you are on fire about.  Recognize that all jobs have their tedious components but being passionate about what you do is key.

Her tips to her contemporaries:  you are never too old to grow or to make changes in your work and relationships.  If you need help, ask for it.  Tell your friends and family what you need from them.  They can’t read your mind.

Ellen’s parting  words: THINK before you speak- Is it true? Is it helpful? Is it inspiring? Is it necessary?  Is it kind?

Lois Sutton is a practicing attorney with an office in NJ.  She specializes in real estate, estate planning, will and trust, probate, estate administration, and business matters. She can be reached at Lsutton@loissuttonlaw.com (732-245-4500). 


The Pesach Sink

“It was in the reward of the righteous women who lived in that generation that Israel was redeemed from Egypt.” 

The sink plays an important role on Pesach.

No, we are not talking about the various solutions for how to use one’s kitchen sink on Pesach, whether by being “koshered” with boiling water or with special inserts.

We are talking about the seder, when our rabbis added an extra hand-washing.

Normally, of course, when we sit down to a meal, we are required to wash our hands before eating bread.  On Pesach, too, we wash our hands before eating our “bread” – matzah.  But much earlier in the seder, we wash our hands for a different reason – to prepare for eating the karpas vegetables in salt water.  Throughout the year, we do not require hand washing before eating a moistened vegetable, but at the seder, we do, such that we wash our hands twice on the night of the seder.

Let’s take a closer look at these two washings.

The first, as mentioned, is in preparation for the karpas.  The Gemara explains that we eat karpas at the seder to arouse the children’s curiosity.  Normally, after kiddush, we wash our hands and then eat bread, and so the children will notice something different when we wash our hands and eat a vegetable dipped in water.  We want to pique the children’s interest at the seder to keep them awake and involved, and so we eat karpas, anticipating their bewilderment which will then draw their interest.

We might say, then, that the first washing prepares us for engaging our children at the seder.

The second washing, of course, is in preparation for eating matzah.  However, the Gemara in one place speaks of the second washing as performed for “tibul sheni – the second dipping.”  Meaning, we wash in preparation for the dipping of the marror in haroset, which we do after eating the matzah.  Apparently, the second washing serves to prepare us not only for the matzah, but also for the marror and haroset.

At first glance, these two washings are entirely unrelated to one another – one precedes our efforts to arouse the children’s curiosity, and the other precedes the matzah and marror.  In truth, however, these two washings are very closely linked – and embody one of the important themes of the Pesach celebration.

The Egyptian Apple Orchards

To understand how, we need to examine the custom to dip the marror in the haroset.

The Gemara teaches that we eat haroset on Pesach, “to commemorate the apple.”  Rashi explains that this refers to the Gemara’s account elsewhere (in Masechet Sotah) of how Beneh Yisrael miraculously continued procreating in Egypt.  The Gemara relates that the men, physically and emotionally shattered from the backbreaking slave labor, had no interest in building families.  They questioned the value of bringing into the world children who would be enslaved, humiliated, and subjected to endless suffering.  They returned home in the evening without any interest in creating children.

The righteous women, however, refused to surrender.  With extraordinary strength, courage and faith, they insisted on creating the next generation of Jews, trusting that Gd would help.  They would adorn themselves, encourage their husbands, and entice them, so that the Nation of Israel would continue.

The Gemara tells that when a woman was ready to deliver a child, she would go out to apple orchards, to hide from the Egyptian officials.  Gd dispatched special angels from the heavens who cared for these infants, and later brought them to their parents.  After the Exodus, when Beneh Yisrael beheld the vision of angels during the miracle of the splitting of the sea, they recognized these angels who had cared for them and raised them when they were young infants.

Thus, the Gemara teaches, “It was in the reward of the righteous women who lived in that generation that Israel was redeemed from Egypt.”  If it weren’t for the faith and heroism of these righteous women, there would be no “Israel” to redeem.  The nation survived the bitter experience of bondage only because of these women.

This is what we commemorate when we dip the marror into haroset at the seder.  The haroset represents the apple orchards where the righteous women of Beneh Yisrael produced the next generation, in spite of the bitter conditions that they endured.  We dip the marror into haroset to demonstrate that in times of “bitterness,” in periods of hardship and pain, we must draw inspiration from the righteous women who continued trusting in Gd and in the future of the Jewish Nation even under the harshest conditions.  The men despaired, but the women didn’t – providing us with a powerful lesson about faith, courage and resilience even in trying times.  This is the message of dipping our bitter herbs in the haroset at the seder.

The Sacred Mirrors

Once we understand this symbolic message of the marror and haroset, we are closer to understanding why this stage of the seder is preceded by washing our hands.

The secret is found in the Torah’s account in Parashat Vayakhel of the construction of the Mishkan, the mobile Sanctuary which served as the “Bet Hamikdash” during Beneh Yisrael’s sojourn through the wilderness.  The Mishkan included numerous furnishings, including the kiyor – the sink from which the kohanim would wash their hands and feet before entering to perform the service.  Significantly, the Torah makes a point of informing us who brought the metal from which the kiyor was made.  Rather than simply telling us in general terms that the kiyor was made from copper which Beneh Yisrael had donated, it specifies that it was made with the mirrors donated by the nation’s women.  Why is this piece of information necessary?  Why do we need to know that the sink was made from mirrors donated by women?  The Torah does not specify who donated the wood or gold for the ark or the altar – so why does it specify who donated the copper for the kiyor?

Rashi explains that these mirrors were, in fact, especially significant.  When the women brought their mirrors to be used in the Mishkan, Rashi writes, Moshe initially refused to accept them.  Mirrors, he figured, are tools of vanity, used by the yetzer hara (evil inclination) to arouse inappropriate thoughts and desires.  What place could such items possibly have in the Mishkan, the nation’s sanctuary, where Gd Himself resided?

Gd, however, informed Moshe that he was wrong.  He explained that not only were these mirrors acceptable – they were the most beloved and precious of all the materials donated by Beneh Yisrael for the Mishkan.  These mirrors were used for the most sacred of all purposes – to bring the broken, downcast slaves in Egypt to create children and thereby ensure the survival of Am Yisrael.  These mirrors were the symbol of the unbreakable spirit of the righteous women who were determined, under unspeakably difficult conditions, to produce the next generation so that the nation would endure.  And so nothing was more sacred than these mirrors.  Nothing Beneh Yisrael donated was worthier of inclusion in the Mishkan than the mirrors which they used for purpose of producing the next generation of Jews.

The Hida (Rav Haim Yosef David Azoulay, 1724-1806) extends this idea one step further, suggesting an explanation for why these mirrors were used specifically for the sink.  The letters of the word “kiyor” can be divided into two pairs: resh-yod, and kaf-vav.  The combined gematria (numerical value) of resh and yod is 210 – the number of years spent by Beneh Yisrael in Egypt.  Initially, it was decreed that they should suffer for 400 years under the oppression of foreign rule, but Gd released them from bondage after just 210 years.  The Hida explains that because Beneh Yisrael reproduced so rapidly, they completed 400 years’ worth of slave labor in just over half that time.  The nation grew so large so quickly that the amount of slavery endured by the population in 210 years equaled the amount that would have been endured in 400 years by a population produced through natural growth.  The second pair of letters – kaf-vav – has the gematria of 26, which is the gematria of the divine Name of Havayah, the Name which signifies Gd’s mercy and compassion.  The word “kiyor,” then, signifies the fact that Beneh Yisrael’s rapid population growth aroused Gd’s compassion such that the period of bondage ended much earlier than it was supposed to.

And precisely for this reason, the Hida explained, the kiyor is forever associated with the sacred mirrors donated by the righteous women.  It was these mirrors that enabled Beneh Yisrael to grow and flourish even under the harsh conditions of slave labor – and so appropriately, they formed the kiyor, the feature in the Mishkan that represents Beneh Yisrael’s early departure from Egypt by virtue of their exponential growth.

The Sink and the Seder

In light of all we have seen, we clearly see the connection between the two washings at the seder.

As mentioned earlier, the first time we wash our hands is in preparation for karpas – which is the first thing we do at the seder to arouse the children’s interest, encouraging them to ask questions and participate.  The second time we wash our hands is in preparation for the marror and haroset – when we recall the determination of the righteous women in Egypt to continue producing children, to extend the glorious chain of Am Yisrael, despite the hardships of exile.  We prepare for both these stages of the seder by going to the sink – to remind ourselves of, and draw strength and inspiration from, those women.  We are to reflect on their heroism which facilitated the redemption from Egypt, so we, too, are driven to commit ourselves to the process of producing and raising the next generation of Am Yisrael.

This is why children occupy such an important part of the seder experience.  Halachah requires us to make a special effort to engage the children at the seder, to encourage them to ask, to speak, to share, and to discuss the event of the Exodus and its significance for us.  This is because Pesach celebrates not only what Gd did to bring us out of Egypt – but what our ancestors did to be deserving of this miracle.  And the most important thing they did to earn this miracle was ensuring that there would be for whom to perform this miracle, that there would be a new generation of Am Yisrael.  Therefore, we focus a great deal of attention at the seder on the children, because this celebration is all about the work we need to do to produce the next generation of Am Yisrael.

The Arizal (Rav Yitzhak Luria, 1534-1572) taught that the letters of Gd’s Name represent the link between parents and children.  The first two letters of the Name – yod and heh – represent the father and mother, and the next two letters – vav and heh – represent the children.  On this basis, the Arizal explained the sages’ comment that as long as the wicked nation of Amalek exists in the world, the divine Name is incomplete, and consists of only the first two letters – yod and heh – without the last two.  (See Rashi to Shemot 17:16.)  Amalek seeks to destroy the Jewish People by disrupting the process of mesorah (tradition), interfering with the transmission of our laws, values and lifestyle to the next generation.  And so as long as Amalek succeeds, Gd’s Name is “broken.”  Our responsibility is to complete the Name, to bring the two halves together, by extending the chain of Jewish tradition, creating the next link, producing children and transmitting to them our beautiful tradition and heritage.

If so, then we can perhaps explain the terms used to refer to the two washings at the sederurhatz and rohtzah.  These two stages entail the same act of hand washing, and yet, the sages gave them two different names.  Both words contain the root r.h.tz. (“wash”), but the first adds the letter vav, and the second, the letter heh.  This is hardly coincidental.  Together, they form vav-heh – the missing link, so-to-speak, in Gd’s Name, the notion of connecting the generations.  Our hand washing at the sink, the symbol of the heroic women in Egypt, teaches us to commit ourselves to the perpetuation of Am Yisrael and of our Torah tradition even under the harshest circumstances, as this holds the key to our nation’s success and our long-awaited final redemption.

Raising Children in the American Exile

We, too, find ourselves in a bitter exile, though quite obviously, of a much different kind.  Thank Gd, we are not enslaved, subjugated, persecuted or oppressed by a foreign government.  The challenges of our exile are, primarily, spiritual in nature.  One could definitely make the case that it has never been more difficult than now to raise religiously devoted children.  It is clear and evident that we cannot possibly hope to motivate and educate our children to embrace our values and practices without enrolling them in religious schools, the cost of which entails an enormous financial burden.  And, even with the outstanding institutions and educators with which our generation is blessed, we are up against the pervasive influence of general society, and the technology which exposes our youngsters to general culture already from a young age, around the clock.  This exposure is terribly destructive, not to mention a source of distraction.  In our effort to inspire our children to study Torah and perform mitzvot, we are competing with a deluge of media, the constant availability of forms of amusement which, in many cases, are in complete odds with our values.

It is understandable that some of us might feel discouraged, or even hopeless, about the prospects of successfully raising religiously committed children given the financial and cultural challenges.  We run the risk of giving up, like the men in Egypt.  But on Pesach, we draw inspiration from the women who refused to surrender, who understood that they needed to do everything they could to produce the next generation, and then look to Gd for help.  Our continuation as a people depends upon our hard work to beget and raise children, and our faith in Gd’s assistance in overcoming the difficult challenges entailed.  Let us learn from our great-grandmothers in Egypt – and our great-grandmothers in generations past, who made great sacrifices to build beautiful Torah homes even under the harshest conditions.  And let us pray that Gd, as He did in Egypt, will send our children the “angels” they need to care for them, to protect them from the spiritual dangers that abound, until we will all be taken from this bitter exile and brought to the Land of Israel where we will, like our ancestors at the sea, behold the divine presence, speedily and in our days, amen.

PROPEL – Honoring the Original Working Women of our Community

Vivian Darwish

This past January, The New York Times published a piece titled, “The Overlooked History of Women at Work,” which was about an exhibition in NYC that explored 500 years of women as scientists, midwives, writers, activists, and more. The memorabilia were presented to show viewers that working women have had a long history with a breadth of vocations. “Women have been working people, always,” Lisa Unger, the collection’s founder, explained. “Women’s work,” did not always entail domestic work as many might assume about women born before the 21st century.

PROPEL’s mission is to inspire women to generate a second household income while doing what they love and while keeping the community traditions of being devoted mothers and wives.

People are under the impression that women were always housewives and homemakers. But, if anything, Syrian women have shown the community and the world at large that we’ve always held more than just our traditional roles. Our very own iconic matriarchs were in real estate, retail, and catering. When people think back to the 19th century, they conjure a visual image of Syrian women kneading challah or frying kibbeh. But we have our own overlooked history of women at work who were monetizing their passions long before women were selling goods and services or breaking into innovative industries. In honor of Women’s History Month, we’re celebrating women from our past who have set the stage for generations of working women to come.

When Bonnie Azoulay, our marketing coordinator’s grandmother, immigrated from Israel to America by herself in the 1960s at age 16, she went to NYU for a year to study architecture. Although she did not graduate, she took her skills and flair for design to decorate her own home and her children’s. Because she had to support herself before she was married, she worked at a Syrian owned jewelry store in midtown and moved into a small apartment on Kings Highway.

Similarly, many Syrian women are recognized for their impeccable taste. Whether it be fashion, food, or design, we pride ourselves on being the ultimate tastemakers. We’ve even used these skills to our advantage and turned them into businesses. Thankfully, because our community is always celebrating happy occasions, there is someone and something for everything one might need. From invitation designers to makeup artists to kosher restaurant owners, we give each other supply and demand. After all, necessity is the mother of invention.

In celebration of all working women in the community today, the PROPEL Board of Directors has decided to promote women who sell goods and services or have a profession by creating the PROPEL List – a print and digital directory that will showcase women’s businesses, professions, and careers. This user-friendly marketplace will allow women to grow their clientele and network free of charge. Sign up to be added or check out the list at http://bit.ly/PROPEL-List.

If you are interested in a career, please reach out to PROPEL and we can help you fulfill your professional goal. Follow PROPEL on Instagram @PropelNetwork to find out information about upcoming PROPEL programs and events.

PROPEL 646-494-0822 | info@thepropelnetwork.org